If you are working on a new website, service, or app, you should consider getting a jump start on your marketing campaigns by having a presence online that you can show to potential users or buyers so that when you do launch, you can hit the ground running.
Coming soon pages are the first step in that process. You aren’t showing the finished product, but it’s enough to build up a social media following, gauge product interest, or even get users to register for beta testing when ready.
But just because it’s only a temporary landing page, that doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be thoughtfully designed. The quality of the coming soon page you create can greatly impact the success of your product.
As it’s so important to have a thoughtfully designed coming soon page, we have a collection of some of our favorites. The coming soon pages are all recent examples of pages that we think do a great job of explaining the product and building hype and excitement for those people who would be the service’s target audience.
If you are working on a startup or are looking to create your own prelaunch landing page, we hope this collection gives you plenty of inspiration and ideas.
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Coming Soon Page Concept
Designed by Oksana Zenicheva
Coming Soon Website Template for Figma & Photoshop
Designed by Peter Draw
Minimal Coming Soon Concept
Designed by Hijin Nam
Under Construction Figma & Photoshop Website Template
Designed by Peter Draw
Flow UI Coming Soon Design
Designed by Ildiko Gaspar
OceanSide Coming Soon HTML Template
Designed by WpWay
Coders at Work Coming Soon Page Design
Designed by Abhinav Khare
Iosoon Coming Soon HTML Template
Designed by Brandio
We Are Coding Coming Soon Page Idea
Designed by Eddie Enkhtuya
Base Apparel Coming Soon Page
Designed by Gary Byrne
VYPO Coming Soon Page
Designed by Jorge Toloza
Innovo Coming Soon HTML Template
Designed by ThemeStarz
Raftel Coming Soon Illustration
Designed by Nugraha Jati Utama
Khronos 2.0 Coming Soon Page
Designed by Styleshout
Flight Coming Soon Concept
Designed by Nathalie Tran
Coming Soon & Error Page Ideas
Designed by Huyền Nguyễn
Hermes Grau Personal Coming Soon Page
Designed by Hermes Grau
Zoon Coming Soon Template
Designed by Styleshout
Riot & Rebel Minimal Holding Page
Designed by Alex Dixon
Hero Section Coming Soon Concept
Designed by Irshad Meer
Generally, the best pre-launch or coming soon pages all do three things well:
- They build excitement by giving a quick, short insight into what the product will do, and what problems it solves.
- They give some finer details about the features and benefits that it will have.
- And finally, and perhaps most importantly, they give visitors the ability to sign up and register interest.
That last step is fundamentally crucial, as it means that – come launch time – you have a (hopefully large) list of potential users or buyers that you can contact to let them know your new product has launched. Good luck!