CSS Layout Snippets on Speckyboy Design Magazine https://speckyboy.com/topic/css-layout-snippet/ Resources & Inspiration for Creatives Sun, 16 Feb 2025 20:36:03 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://speckyboy.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/cropped-sdm-favicon-32x32.png CSS Layout Snippets on Speckyboy Design Magazine https://speckyboy.com/topic/css-layout-snippet/ 32 32 8 CSS Snippets for Creating Bento Grid Layouts https://speckyboy.com/css-bento-grid-layouts/ Sat, 26 Oct 2024 07:56:12 +0000 https://speckyboy.com/?p=164480 Dive into CSS bento grid layouts. A collection of CSS flexbox and grid code snippets, and examples for enhancing your web development skills.

The post 8 CSS Snippets for Creating Bento Grid Layouts appeared first on Speckyboy Design Magazine.

Another day, another design trend! Bento grid layouts are the subject this time around. They’re bold and beautiful. Plus, they satisfy those with a need for symmetry.

So, what exactly is a Bento layout? Think of it as a puzzle. Different-sized containers fit together to create a seamless look. Inspired by Japanese culture, it’s popping up all over the web.

There’s good reason for Bento’s growing popularity. You can use these layouts in a multitude of ways. Everything from listing blog posts to product features is possible. They’re also perfect for dashboard screens.

We should also mention the role that the evolution of CSS has played. Both CSS Grid and Flexbox make these layouts easier to build. No hacks or workarounds are necessary!

With that, here’s a look at 8 beautiful Bento grid layouts.

Complex Bento CSS Grid Layout

CSS Grid packs a lot of power into a tiny bit of code. For example, this complex grid layout requires only 43 lines of CSS. The layout is both efficient and naturally responsive. Therefore, you won’t have to play around with media queries.

See the Pen Complex Bento Layout

Bento-Style Responsive Dashboard

Here’s a gorgeous dashboard layout that benefits from Bento. The layout offers a great way to display relevant content. Everything is neatly organized and easy to follow. The use of photography and color makes this example stand out.

See the Pen Responsive Dashboard | Bento Style by Ecem Gokdogan

Bento Design Concept Layout

This page layout is a different take on the Bento aesthetic. There’s a sidebar featuring in-page navigation. Clicking a button expands it. Meanwhile, the content container maintains a consistent height.

See the Pen bento design concept by Abhishek Bhardwaj


Bento layouts also benefit from minimalism. This layout features fewer bells and whistles. Notice the use of white space and legible typography. The animated charts catch your eye without being overwhelming.

See the Pen Bento-Box-V1.0.1 by Gwenaël Guiraud

Sticky Bento on Scroll

This “sticky” presentation adds special effects to the mix. Watch how certain elements stick as you scroll. The idea is that you can go beyond static grids. Bento can be fun, too!

See the Pen Sticky Bento on Scroll ✨ by Jhey

Bento Grid Using CSS Flexbox

Let’s check out another fun example using Flexbox. This grid has a neon look and includes cool hover effects. Bonus points here for maintaining legibility and responsiveness.

See the Pen bento grid – challenge (Chrome +111) by EaterUsr

Card-Based Layout with Gradient Borders

Here’s an example for those wanting to stand out from the crowd. This card-based layout features animated borders, “wipe” effects, and beautiful hover styling. The layout remains clean – even with all those goodies.

See the Pen Cards (gradient border) by Dan

CSS Grid & :has() Grid Layouts

We can achieve a lot with the CSS :has() pseudo-class. This example uses it to adjust the layout as boxes are added and subtracted. Watch as the layout maintains perfect symmetry throughout.

See the Pen Always great grid – CSS grid + :has() + view transitions by Adam Argyle

Use Bento Grids to Keep Your Layout Nice and Tidy

The idea of using Bento aesthetics in web design isn’t new. However, older CSS layout techniques made them difficult to build. That’s no longer the case.

Perhaps the best part is that modern CSS does all the dirty work. We don’t need to compute complex calculations. CSS Grid and Flexbox can do this for us.

That leaves us free to experiment. The examples above demonstrate what is possible. And you can get as creative as you like.

Want to see more Bento grid examples? Check out our CodePen collection!

The post 8 CSS Snippets for Creating Bento Grid Layouts appeared first on Speckyboy Design Magazine.

8 CSS Grid Snippets for Creating Common Website Layouts https://speckyboy.com/common-website-layouts-css-grid/ https://speckyboy.com/common-website-layouts-css-grid/#respond Mon, 21 Oct 2024 16:42:20 +0000 https://speckyboy.com/?p=127784 A collection of common website layout concepts built using CSS grid. Each one demonstrates how they can make life easier for web designers.

The post 8 CSS Grid Snippets for Creating Common Website Layouts appeared first on Speckyboy Design Magazine.

Among the many benefits of CSS Grid is its ability to create complex layouts with ease. You don’t need an excessive amount of code. No precarious hacks are required. A few relatively simple lines can help you quickly achieve something that used to take hours.

Of course, CSS Grid is also incredibly powerful. We’ve seen some developers experiment and push the limits of what it can do.

While that’s impressive, the real beauty of this specification is that it helps us accomplish everyday tasks. The common page and feature layouts that make up a typical website project, and this is the biggest reason to jump on board and utilize CSS Grid.

We’ve put together a collection of 8 common website layout concepts. Each one demonstrates how CSS Grid can make life easier for web designers. And, if you’re concerned about browser support, some also include fallbacks for Flexbox and other layout techniques. Let’s get started!

Discovering the “Holy Grail” of Layouts

At first glance, this “Holy Grail” layout may not look too difficult. In fact, we’ve been seeing it for years. The issue has always been that the available CSS layout methods weren’t very effective at setting it up.

It has traditionally taken any number of hacks to get it just right. Not so with CSS Grid. CSS-Tricks put together a companion article on the process.

See the Pen Holy Grail Layout with Grid by Chris Coyier

Pick a Card UI

Card layout UIs are a big deal these days. And there are so many different ways to make them unique. This set of examples shows how CSS Grid can take the same HTML markup and create completely different looks.

See the Pen CSS Grid: Card Variations by Olivia Ng

Responsive Multi-column Blog with CSS Grid

Here’s an attractive multi-column blog layout that nicely implements whitespace. Each article has room to shine. Plus, it adapts to small screens without a hitch.

This layout is also easy to expand, with more columns and rows just a few attribute tweaks (grid-template-columns, grid-template-rows) away.

See the Pen Grid-Based Blog Index Page Layout 🌷 by Sheelah Brennan

Product Feature List with CSS Grid

This layout is commonly seen in print, but is also a great choice for the web as well. Feature listings flank a lovely product image on either side. Each “feature” is a part of a UL element.

Where CSS Grid really provides an extra boost is in its responsiveness. On smaller viewports, the features are tucked neatly underneath the photo. Go a bit larger (say, a tablet), and the features are pushed over to the right.

See the Pen Center Focus Feature Section // CSS Grid by Brian Haferkamp

Nested CSS Grid Page Layout

Perfect for an online magazine or news-based website, this nested grid layout is quite detailed. And we’re not just talking about its impressive looks.

Scroll down, and you’ll find a fantastic guide to how the layout was built, along with explanations of the different CSS Grid attributes that are utilized.

See the Pen CSS (SCSS) grid with grid layout and fallback to flexbox by Vincent Humeau

Variable Width Content with CSS Grid

Here’s a common wish for designers: keeping the text in a narrow column (great for legibility) while allowing other media to expand beyond those restraints. CSS Grid helps take the pain out of this layout by looking for specific HTML tags and setting them free.

See the Pen Article Layout with Varying Content Width Using CSS Grid by Philipp

CSS Grid Pretty Pricing Tables

Multi-column features such as pricing tables are often created with CSS Flexbox.

So, why use Grid? For one, adjusting your styles for additional columns is a breeze. It’s a solid way to prepare for ever-changing content needs.

See the Pen Simple CSS Grid Layout Pricing Tables by darkos

Masonry Photo Gallery with CSS Grid

Remember when building a masonry grid used to require the assistance of JavaScript? There is no need for the extra bloat here, as CSS Grid can do the job. This snippet shows you how to create a beautiful and responsive layout. In addition to housing images, it could also work well as a blog index page.

See the Pen CSS Grid Responsive Image Gallery by Stephanie

Create Beautiful Layouts with CSS Grid

CSS Grid was created to do extraordinary things and was also built to easily solve more common layout challenges. For instance, none of the items in our collection is particularly exotic. They are all features you would see on blogs and corporate websites.

However, this specification does make them both easier to build and more flexible to maintain. Its properties allow you to quickly create them and make additions as necessary.

More CSS Snippets for Layouts

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Create Better CSS Layouts with Flexbox https://speckyboy.com/better-layouts-through-css-flexbox/ https://speckyboy.com/better-layouts-through-css-flexbox/#respond Mon, 21 Oct 2024 16:02:08 +0000 https://speckyboy.com/?p=107600 CSS Flexbox does have a bit of a learning curve, but taking the time to learn the basics is highly recommended. These examples will help you!

The post Create Better CSS Layouts with Flexbox appeared first on Speckyboy Design Magazine.

For many years, it seemed like columns were one of the toughest layout challenges web designers faced. It often took various hacks, such as clearfixes, to get them aligned and looking good.

Thankfully, the advent of CSS Flexbox has helped to make this previously-difficult process a much simpler one. Because Flexbox was created with multi-container (columns or rows) layouts in mind, we’ve said goodbye to all of those old hacks.

The result is that we can create some absolutely amazing layouts in a fraction of the time (if they were possible with floating elements at all). Below, we’ve compiled some prime examples of CSS Flexbox in action. Let’s take a look at what it can do!

Responsive Rules

One of the most convenient features of Flexbox is its ability to adapt based on the allotted space for each container. That in itself is responsive. But add in some helpful media queries and you can really tweak things so that they look perfect on every screen. Check out this example layout at various viewport sizes to see how things adjust.

Full-Screen Navigation

Navigation is a design element that can really benefit from Flexbox. Not only when it comes to responsive sizing, but also features like ensuring equal column heights and text alignments. You’ll find each of those elements with this overlay navigation snippet.

The Timeline

A timeline is just the kind of complex layout that Flexbox was made for. On large screens, this example neatly alternates entries on different sides of the line. But as the viewport shrinks, everything collapses into a single column, while still maintaining design elements that reflect the purpose of the layout. It accurately depicts a timeline either way.

Next Page

Much like your standard navigation bar, pagination menus also can greatly benefit the adaptive properties of Flexbox. In this example, wider viewports see a full listing of page numbers. But simply rearranging a large number of containers for mobile devices doesn’t make sense here. Instead, CSS is used to hide all but the current page from the menu. This saves space and still provides the user with the functionality they need.

Featured Products

Combining Flexbox with CSS selectors gives us the ability to do some interesting things with a list of products, posts or other content. In this snippet, we see a neat layout of six products. Through the use of selectors, the first two are much more prominent on larger viewports. On smaller screens, however, that effect is jettisoned in favor of displaying everything at an equal size.

Making Masonry

Masonry layouts are a great option for blogs, portfolios or even photo galleries. They look complicated, yet the style enables each item to stand out individually. Here’s a demonstration of how Flexbox can make a masonry layout even better. It takes this seemingly-random set of containers and beautifully adjusts them based on screen size, whittling down to just a single column at its smallest.

Vertically-Centered Content

Vertically centering text within an element is easy enough, provided you know the height of its parent container. But what about, say, a hero area that has a variable height on different screen sizes? Flexbox makes this a piece of cake, thanks to the align-content property. Here’s an example of how Flexbox does all the hard work for you.

Flexible Form

Forms that don’t adapt to small screens are one of those features that can really drive mobile users crazy. They’re just hard to use. That’s what makes this simple search form example so exciting. The elements are aligned via Flexbox and easily adjust to your screen – even stacking when necessary. This keeps things easy to use on all devices.

Flex Your Layout Muscles

There’s no denying that CSS Flexbox has a bit of a learning curve. But taking some time to learn the basics is highly recommended. Once you start to use it regularly, it becomes apparent just what an improvement it is over using the old float-and-hack methods of the past.

So many of the creative solutions we used to dream up for sizing, spacing and alignment are no longer necessary – because they’re already built in! All it takes is a little know-how and you’ll be building incredible layouts in no time.

More Snippets for CSS Layouts

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10 CSS Grid Snippets for Creating Unique Layouts https://speckyboy.com/creative-examples-css-grid-layouts/ https://speckyboy.com/creative-examples-css-grid-layouts/#respond Fri, 11 Oct 2024 03:13:52 +0000 https://speckyboy.com/?p=96269 A collection of ten free CSS grid code snippets for creating some truly creative and experimental web layouts.

The post 10 CSS Grid Snippets for Creating Unique Layouts appeared first on Speckyboy Design Magazine.

CSS Grid has generated lots of hype – and for a good reason. It has revolutionized the way we create complex layouts. The specification removes the need for all the silly hacks designers have had to put in place while building grid systems.

The promise of CSS Grid is that it will simply work as the designer intended, while automatically adjusting to whatever device it’s being displayed on.

Many web designers have experimented with CSS Grid in many unique ways. Here are 10 layouts we found that range anywhere from “useful” to “wow.”

Auto Hexagonal CSS Grid Layout

This is definitely one of the more unique examples of how CSS Grid can help us accomplish something that may have been darn-near impossible in the past. Even more impressive is that this interface was built with less than 150 lines of CSS.

See the Pen Auto Hexagonal CSS Grid Layout by Kseso

Responsive Periodic Table with CSS Grid

While probably not useful (in its current form) to the average designer, this grid is a prime example of the amount of detail that can be achieved with relatively little code. Again, this layout is pure CSS and less than 150 lines.

See the Pen Responsive Periodic Table with CSS Grids by Dudley Storey

CSS Grid Layout with @support Flexbox Fallback

Here’s a layout that is quite useful in real-world situations. It’s also nice to see a Flexbox fallback solution as part of the price we pay for using CSS Grid for some time.

See the Pen CSS Grid Layout with @support flexbox fallback by Gustaf Holm

Wim Crouwel’s CSS Grid Calendar

Wim Crouwel is a Dutch graphic designer known for using grid-based layouts. It’s quite appropriate, then, to recreate one of his most famous works using a whole new type of grid.

See the Pen Wim Crouwel’s Calendar (CSS Grid) by Good Praxis / Chris

CSS Grid Layout Module – Responsive Magazine Layout

Magazine layouts are always a popular pick, and CSS Grid is the perfect way to achieve this kind of look. The best part here is there are no hacks needed.

See the Pen CSS Grid Layout Module – Responsive Magazine Layout by Heather Buchel

CSS Grid Layout – Blog Post Template

Here’s a simple 3-column blog post layout that provides a flexbox fallback. It’s exceptionally lightweight and has lots of styling potential.

See the Pen CSS Grid Layout – Blog Post Template by Stacy

CSS Grid Poster

This poster layout shows the potential for using CSS Grid in combination with CSS animations. Coming in at around 200 lines of CSS, this example looks incredibly intricate.

See the Pen CSS Grid Poster by jakob-e

Stacking CSS Grids for Impossible Layouts

This layout achieves the web designer’s Holy Grail: Equal height columns with no clearfixes or other hacks. The future is now!

See the Pen GRID PILE:Stacking CSS Grids for Impossible Layouts by Morten Rand-Hendriksen

CSS Grid Layout and Comics (as Explained by Barry the Cat)

One of the frustrations of CSS is that things that look like they should be simple rarely are. This cute comic utilizes CSS Grid and SVG graphics to actually achieve simplicity.

See the Pen CSS Grid Layout and Comics (as Explained by Barry the Cat) by Envato Tuts+

React & CSS Grid Image Gallery

Here is a beautifully responsive photo gallery that combines React and CSS Grid. This shows us that galleries can look great, function perfectly, and load quickly.

See the Pen React &CSS Grid Image Gallery by Tobi Weinstock

Get on the Grid

Part of the challenge web designers face is manipulating code to make their creative ideas come to life. You often have to be just as creative in finding hacks and fallbacks as you are in creating concepts. CSS Grid can be a big help in alleviating some of that burden.

Instead of wasting time with workarounds or abandoning ideas because you’re unsure if they’re doable, this new way to create layouts will let you focus on just making it happen.

The experiments above illustrate just how flexible CSS Grid can be and how relatively little code is required to build intricate layouts. So now that you’ve seen what CSS Grid can do, get out there and use it to turn your ideas into something amazing.

More CSS Snippets for Layouts

The post 10 CSS Grid Snippets for Creating Unique Layouts appeared first on Speckyboy Design Magazine.

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8 CSS Snippets for Creating Split-Screen Layouts https://speckyboy.com/snippets-split-screen-layouts/ https://speckyboy.com/snippets-split-screen-layouts/#respond Wed, 09 Oct 2024 06:31:08 +0000 https://speckyboy.com/?p=97068 A fantastic collection of split-screen UIs, complete with CSS source code that you can edit to fit your needs. Each offers something unique.

The post 8 CSS Snippets for Creating Split-Screen Layouts appeared first on Speckyboy Design Magazine.

Split-screen UIs have become a popular way to showcase content. We often think of them as being utilized in areas where we want users to choose between two options. But we’re also seeing other creative uses of the technique.

For example, a split-screen can also be used to great effect as a full-page layout or even as a transitional animation.

Here are 10 examples of split-screen UIs, complete with source code that you can edit to fit your needs. Each has something unique to offer.

Making a Choice

This is certainly the most common way to use a split-screen. A website visitor is presented with two options. Here, the background image colors help provide nice separation, while the rounded logo in the middle ties everything together.

See the Pen Website – Split Screen by Bridget Reed

Splitting Up a Slider

A split-screen also makes for an interesting transitional effect, as we see with the slideshow example below. Scrolling down causes each half of the screen to split and reveal the next image in the queue. The result is a very smooth and high-end UI.

See the Pen Split Slick Slideshow by Fabio Ottaviani

Split Page Layout With a Static Sidebar

With HD screens dominating and 4k gaining ground, more designers are taking advantage of that extra screen real estate. This example layout provides a static sidebar with a bold background image. But it also looks great on smaller screens, as that sidebar becomes a header. It’s both attractive and functional.

See the Pen Split screen layout by Travis

For Comparisons’ Sake

Another trend gaining traction is utilizing the split-screen to compare “before” and “after” images. Here we have a setup that allows users to simply move their mouse to see the differences between two images. Utilizing just a little bit of JavaScript, this UI is an interesting twist on the technique.

See the Pen Split-Screen UI by Envato Tuts+

Alternating Gallery

The “half by half” scrolling effect with this example adds a unique touch. It almost seems as if the cards and photos are alternately stacked on top of each other as you scroll. And since it uses less than 150 lines of pure CSS, load time shouldn’t be much of a concern.

See the Pen Scrolling half by half pure #CSS by @Kseso by Kseso

Magazine Split-Layout

This layout emulates something you might find in a print magazine. The bold title and introductory text on the left provides terrific contrast with the photo and multicolumn article on the right. Overall, it makes for a very slick and professional look.

See the Pen Personal Profile // Keanu Reeves by Brian Haferkamp

Split-Layout Services Overview

The concept here is really cool from a branding perspective. It uses a split-screen within a page with a static branding message on the left, combined with a scrollable listing of services offered on the right. It’s just different and a way to stand out from the crowd a bit.

See the Pen by Luke Meyrick

3D Carousel Split-Layout

The transitions between slides in this carousel literally add a new dimension to split screens. Each slide “splits” in half as the next one is revealed in a cool 3D format. There’s a certain machine-like quality here that could be a great fit for an engineering or industrial firm.

See the Pen Split 3D Carousel by Paul Noble

Splitting’s the Difference

What started as a way to choose between A or B has become something more. Split layouts and animations are offering designers another creative avenue for encouraging interaction.

While we still see them in their traditional form, we also find that they are being used to enhance things like scrolling through content and image galleries. It’s even being used to mimic print design techniques.

Hopefully, the examples above will serve as an inspiration for ways you can add a split UI to your own projects. Have fun experimenting and implement features that both look great and add something unique to the mix.

More CSS Snippets for Layouts

The post 8 CSS Snippets for Creating Split-Screen Layouts appeared first on Speckyboy Design Magazine.

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8 CSS Grid & Flexbox Snippets for Creating Magazine Layouts https://speckyboy.com/news-magazine-css-layouts/ https://speckyboy.com/news-magazine-css-layouts/#respond Sun, 06 Oct 2024 09:04:56 +0000 https://speckyboy.com/?p=117112 We share a collection of exciting CSS snippets for creating magazine web page layouts using both CSS flexbox and grid.

The post 8 CSS Grid & Flexbox Snippets for Creating Magazine Layouts appeared first on Speckyboy Design Magazine.

For those of us who experiment with CSS, it’s an exciting time. The advent of CSS Grid and Flexbox have opened up a whole new world of page layout possibilities.

And one of the more interesting uses for these tools is their integration within news and magazine-style websites. They often have more complex and unique layout requirements than other genres. It has led to some very creative solutions.

Today, we’ll show you some exciting examples of both news homepage layouts and even a few for individual articles as well.

Great Grid

Here’s a prime example of CSS Grid’s fitness for a news page. It’s a 12-column layout, with a large feature story up top that takes up two-thirds of the first row.

From there, it alternates between one-third and two-thirds of stories below and a one-third listing along the right. The look creates an excellent balance and allows each story to stand out.

See the Pen News Layout by Marc Müller

Artistic Touch

These newfangled CSS techniques are often used to imitate classic print layouts. This magazine layout uses Flexbox to add retro shapes, multicolumn flowing text and a large featured image.

See the Pen Magazine Layout by Raisa Yang

A Fully-Visual Experience

This article layout looks attractive yet reasonably standard at first glance. A massive image on the left is paired with nice typography on the right. But start scrolling, and you’ll see what makes this one stand out.

The first section of text scrolls as the image stays in place. Go further, and you’re met with full-width images and multiple columns of text. It’s a clever design that will keep readers interested.

See the Pen Article Development // Modular CSS Grid Layout Sections by Brian Haferkamp

Big Steps

The modern age of news sites has made visual stories, ones without a lot of text, quite popular. Here’s an interesting layout that could be a great fit for explaining multistep processes or listing the popular posts of the day.

See the Pen CSS Grid Magazine Layout by Elzette

Masonry Blocks

This CSS Grid-based masonry layout of posts has several things going for it. First, the layout is complex – but without being disorienting. The use of faded background images and legible typography make it easy to distinguish one article from the next. And the stunning hover effects make for a fun and effective user experience.

See the Pen CSS Grid Layout as Masonry case study by @Kseso by Kseso

Break Past Your Limits

So-called “break out” sections are a popular feature within articles. They are great for adding emphasis to important quotes or even images. But the CSS used to require all sorts of hacks to get an element to go beyond a fixed-width container.

That is until CSS Grid came along. This example demonstrates just how easy it is to integrate into your layout.

See the Pen Breaking Out With CSS Grid Layout by Steven Monson


Sometimes it’s nice to see an example layout that eschews content. This makes it easier to grasp, especially if you’re just learning a new technique such as CSS Grid.

With a clear outline of each container and helpful terminology, you’ll gain a better understanding of how this one was put together.

See the Pen CSS Grid Layout – New Terminology by Stacy

Pretty Posts

Post grids are a terrific solution for both news websites and blogs. A well-designed one is easy to read, provides some whitespace, and adds interactivity.

All of those traits are well-represented here. The clean card layout is easy on the eyes, while the hover effects give it a high tech feel.

See the Pen Expandable Post Grid by Daniel Högel

Designing a news-oriented website can be a real challenge. It requires a strategy for getting your best content in front of users while ensuring that it entices them to click. And, once they are reading an article, you want to provide them with the best experience possible.

Thankfully, CSS layouts have never been more capable of helping you achieve these goals. Looks that used to be reserved for desktop publishing software are now easily replicated – as many of the snippets above demonstrate.

The first step is to take some time to think about how you want to present your content. From there, you can use one of these examples as a starting point to make it come to life.

More CSS Snippets for Layouts

The post 8 CSS Grid & Flexbox Snippets for Creating Magazine Layouts appeared first on Speckyboy Design Magazine.

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8 CSS & JavaScript Snippets for Creating Blog Layouts https://speckyboy.com/css-javascript-snippets-blog-layouts/ https://speckyboy.com/css-javascript-snippets-blog-layouts/#respond Sat, 28 Sep 2024 07:01:14 +0000 https://speckyboy.com/?p=138367 A collection of stunning CSS and JavaScript code snippets for creating modern blog homepages and single posts layouts.

The post 8 CSS & JavaScript Snippets for Creating Blog Layouts appeared first on Speckyboy Design Magazine.

The beauty of blogging is that it provides a way to express ourselves. We can do so not only through words, but design as well. The look and layout of a blog can say a lot about both the author and the contents within.

And thanks to modern CSS layout techniques such as CSS Grid and Flexbox, we’ve never had more design possibilities. Whether you’re interested in something complex or minimalistic – there are plenty of ways to accomplish a given layout.

With that, we’ve put together a collection of beautiful blog layouts. They run the gamut of styles and use cases. Some are geared towards home pages, while others are laser-focused on single post templates. Enjoy!

Modern Blog Layout with CSS Grid

Perhaps nothing demonstrates the magic of CSS Grid more than this newspaper-like layout. Just imagine the hacks you’d have to resort to otherwise. That said, the monochromatic color scheme and complex layout are something to behold. Bonus points for utilizing scrollbars to help with responsiveness.

See the Pen Modern Blog Layout with CSS Grid by Aysenur Turk

Flex Blog Entries

This blog layout features a solid balance between images and text. The card UI is both attractive and makes great use of the available space. Its timeless look only adds to the overall intuitiveness.

See the Pen Flex Blog Entries by Mark Murray

grid-based blog layout

Here’s another example of what’s possible with CSS Grid. A clean masonry-style layout was built with just a few lines of CSS – no JavaScript required. This is a nice solution for those looking to feature several posts in a limited amount of screen real estate.

See the Pen grid-based blog layout by Rich Lewis

Responsive Minimal Blog layout

There’s something to be said for simplicity – and this snippet makes great use of it. It puts the focus squarely on typography and spacing. Who says you need images to build something beautiful?

See the Pen Responsive Minimal Blog layout by Arjun sreekumar

A Cool Blog Layout

Typography and whitespace are also important elements to consider for individual blog posts. In this snippet, we get an easy-to-read format – but there’s more. Some interesting mini sidebars and images/quotes break through the otherwise narrow column width.

See the Pen A Cool Blog Layout by Bhavik Joshi

Day 20: Blog Layout

Imagery plays a big role in this super-clean blog layout. Featured photos are large and draw attention to each post in the index. That’s complemented further by bold headlines and a contrasting color scheme.

See the Pen Day 20:Blog Layout by Joseph

CSS Grid Blog Layout

This snippet goes all-in when it comes to color. The combination of bright background colors and beautiful photography creates an immersive experience. Also, note the design pattern that reverses the image and text placement for each post.

See the Pen CSS Grid Blog Layout by Kaustubh Menon

Responsive Blog Post

There are a couple of nice touches with this blog post layout. First, it’s purportedly written by actor Gary Busey (an adventurous pick in its own right). But the real good stuff comes in the form of the overall elegance of the design. The animated quote in the hero area, the lazy-loaded text, and the full-width breakout sections bring a unique style.

See the Pen Responsive Blog Post by Gary Busey by Joshua Ward

Blogging Made Beautiful

Back in the day, blog design had a certain sameness – but not anymore. The examples above show that virtually any type of look is possible. It’s all thanks to advancements in CSS, combined with smart usage of JavaScript. Oh, and great content certainly helps as well.

We hope these snippets have inspired you to build something that reflects who you are and the message you want to share.

More CSS Snippets for Layouts

The post 8 CSS & JavaScript Snippets for Creating Blog Layouts appeared first on Speckyboy Design Magazine.

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10 Code Snippets for Creating Masonry Grid Layouts https://speckyboy.com/snippets-masonry-grid-layouts/ https://speckyboy.com/snippets-masonry-grid-layouts/#respond Tue, 23 Jun 2020 21:35:53 +0000 https://speckyboy.com/?p=99506 We have ten free open source snippets for creating custom masonry grid layouts. Easy to copy, easy to edit, and perfect for all web designers and developers.

The post 10 Code Snippets for Creating Masonry Grid Layouts appeared first on Speckyboy Design Magazine.

Tumblr and Pinterest popularized the masonry grid. It is a common layout style for variable sized images, and it’s a great way to get images to fit nicely into a grid structure.

If you’ve ever wanted to build a masonry grid layout without all that hard work then you’ve come to the right place.

I’ve collected ten free open source snippets below all featuring custom masonry grid layouts. Easy to copy, easy to edit, and perfect for all developers.

Have a look and see what catches your eye.

1. Masonry Layout (Full JS)

First on my list is this nice design by Maciej Leszczyński.

It features the grid layout we all know & love with custom JS properties. Not to mention it relies on the CSS Grid.

This is a newer property, so not all developers will know how it works, but there’s never a better time to learn than right now!

I’d say this free grid layout is the perfect study tool for breaking into the subject.

2. CSS Grid Columns

Moving away from JavaScript we have a fun masonry layout running on pure CSS code.

The developer Lasse Stilvang created these elements to fit nicely into a simple grid. You can easily edit the styles, colors, and positioning on your own too.

Plus this thing is 100% responsive for all mobile users which is a staple for modern websites.

Pure CSS might be just what you need for a masonry grid that you can trust.

3. Blog-Style Grid

On bigger blogs I often see featured posts in large boxes with custom rectangle shapes. The Mashable homepage comes to mind.

This trend has become wildly popular and it’s exactly what you’ll find in this snippet.

Really this is a mix of content pieces with some smaller image thumbnails, some acting as featured posts, and some as just text boxes for any content you like.

Kreig Durham created this pen as an example of what you can do with a masonry grid that fits tightly in all corners. No margins, no spacing.

This isn’t possible with all image sizes, but it’s a fun trick worth attempting if your layout can handle it.

4. Bootstrap 4 Masonry Layout

Every developer and their grandmother was thrilled for the release of Bootstrap 4. This came with a bunch of awesome code snippets and extra features for developers to create layouts faster.

There’s even a fully functional masonry grid layout running purely on the Bootstrap framework.

This uses a mix of the Bootstrap card component along with this masonry setup. It’s a lot easier to work with than many other snippets here so it’s perfect for newer developers just learning the ropes.

5. Pure CSS

Adam Blum gives us another sweet masonry grid in this pen running entirely on CSS3.

This again uses CSS Grid properties to create the effects and keep the page fully responsive.

Granted this example only uses text boxes to show the effect, so it’s far from perfect.

But I do think it’s one of the better examples in this list that can be used for almost anything.

Even if you don’t fully understand the grid properties just yet, you should still be able to edit this code and get it working however you want.

6. Dynamic Row Spans

I couldn’t be more enthusiastic about this snippet running through the Reddit API and dynamically pulling JSON data.

The pen was developed by Brett Commandeur, and it also uses the CSS grid properties. However the layout is controlled dynamically with JavaScript where content is pulled from the Reddit API.

Most of the content gets shared using the console.log() command so you can look into the response and see how it’s structured too.

Overall a fascinating snippet that not only covers masonry grid design but also a little on API development with JavaScript too.

7. Responsive Masonry Grid

Onto a truly fascinating responsive grid designed just like a traditional masonry layout.

Add images wherever you want, set the heights however you want, this layout will adjust accordingly.

The entire thing runs on CSS and it uses properties like column-count to set the masonry layout for mobile.

I find JS a little more powerful but this is an excellent responsive layout for only HTML & CSS(no Sass required!)

8. React Masonry Grid

Now here’s an interesting approach to masonry running on top of React.

Facebook’s open source framework has taken the web by storm and you can see a brilliant example in this pen by Goran Rakic.

Goran uses only a single HTML element with a ton of React code running on top of Babel.

If you already understand React code this will be a fun project to study. If you want to learn React code, this would be a cool project to recreate from scratch.

Either way, it’s worth a gander.

9. Isotope – horizontalOrder

Coder Dave DeSandro built this interesting pen using the Isotope script.

It handles custom layout designs & custom grids to rearrange your content accordingly. It’s far from the best tool, but it does give you way more control over your layout.

Plus you don’t need to know a lot about frontend coding to work with this library. Seems pretty dreamy for developers who just want to get a masonry layout online fast.

10. True Masonry

This example is probably the most complex and the most intriguing one here.

Developer Balázs Sziklai created true masonry grid on CodePen as a free snippet for the world to find. It does not use any JavaScript and it can handle all screen sizes naturally.

You’ll also notice the design is pretty sleek and the CSS classes leave plenty of room for customization.

If you do know your way around JavaScript, this pen would actually do well with its own custom script. But that would take quite a bit more work, so it’s not going to be everyone’s cup of tea.

Regardless I certainly hope this post can get you started with ideas & examples of masonry grids in real-world web design.

More CSS Snippets for Layouts

The post 10 Code Snippets for Creating Masonry Grid Layouts appeared first on Speckyboy Design Magazine.

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