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WordPress Security

We share a wealth of information about WordPress security, including best practices, plugins, and common issues. This curated collection of articles can help protect your sites from potential security threats.

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How Tracking Backend Activity Improves WordPress Security

How Tracking Backend Activity Improves WordPress Security

Tracking backend activity in the WordPress dashboard provides crucial information. And it may save you from a security headache or two.

How to Stay Safe When Updating WordPress

How to Stay Safe When Updating WordPress

Choosing WordPress to power your website is a smart move. You’ll gain access to a world of themes, plugins, and possibilities. There are also some responsibilities, though. Making sure your…

How to Explain WordPress Maintenance to Clients in Simple Terms

How to Explain WordPress Maintenance to Clients in Simple Terms

Insights on effectively communicating WordPress maintenance needs to clients and building trust.

10 Best Free Security WordPress Plugins

10 Best Free Security WordPress Plugins

A collection of powerful WordPress plugins that will harden your website and provide you with an extra layer of security and protection.

How to Educate Clients on WordPress Security Best Practices

How to Educate Clients on WordPress Security Best Practices

We discuss being proactive when it comes to teaching clients about security best practices. Some things are universal, while others are a bit more specific to WordPress itself.

Why Third Parties Are Taking an Interest in Your Client’s Website Security

Why Third Parties Are Taking an Interest in Your Client’s Website Security

For years, security processes were between a designer, host, and client. But increasingly, other third parties are taking an active interest.

5 Common WordPress Myths Debunked

5 Common WordPress Myths Debunked

We take a look at some of the most common myths floating around the world of WordPress and attempt to uncover the truth.

Tips for Maintaining a Legacy WordPress Website

Tips for Maintaining a Legacy WordPress Website

Maintaining a legacy WordPress website takes a keen eye and attention to detail. Here are some tips to make sure your old site runs as well as it can.

6 Best Plugins for Adding Two-Factor Authentication to WordPress

6 Best Plugins for Adding Two-Factor Authentication to WordPress

We explore what two-factor authentication actually is and take a look at a few WordPress plugins that will help you add this feature with minimal effort.

Building WordPress Websites That Better Respect User Privacy

Building WordPress Websites That Better Respect User Privacy

In recent years, privacy has become one of the most important topics in our society. With the rise of services that use and sell user data, serious discussions have been…

5 Tips for a More Secure WordPress Website

5 Tips for a More Secure WordPress Website

Web security has grown into one of the most important issues we face – right up there with design and development. And those of us who use an open source…

How to Create a Custom User Role in WordPress

How to Create a Custom User Role in WordPress