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UX Data

Learn how data drives user experience (UX) decisions. Improve user satisfaction and interface effectiveness.

View all User Experience (UX) articles

Proven Tactics to Avoiding Shopping Cart Abandonment

Proven Tactics to Avoiding Shopping Cart Abandonment

These simple yet highly effective tactics can help you avoid shopping cart abandonment on your eCommerce store.

10 Best Free WordPress Plugins for Graphs & Charts

10 Best Free WordPress Plugins for Graphs & Charts

There are various methods for displaying various types of data in WordPress. We share the best plugins to help present your data effectively.

How Empathy & Personalized Interfaces Can Help Improve UX

How Empathy & Personalized Interfaces Can Help Improve UX

Personalization and intuitiveness are integral parts of modern web design and are vital to crafting amazing user experiences.

Leveraging User Data for Improved UX

Leveraging User Data for Improved UX

Enhance UX by effectively leveraging user data to create personalized and intuitive experiences on your website.

How to Interpret Data to Improve Your Website Design and Performance

How to Interpret Data to Improve Your Website Design and Performance

Effective design is crucial to a website’s business goals. In the same way that attractive people tend to get more attention, a well-designed site stands a better chance of imparting…

Get the Data You Need in Real-Time with scrapestack Sponsored

Get the Data You Need in Real-Time with scrapestack

These days, the typical website or mobile application pulls in data from a variety of sources. Places such as social media networks, multimedia providers, mapping tools and online retailers being…

A Deep Look at Data & Content Design Patterns

A Deep Look at Data & Content Design Patterns

Proper content and information design are important for traditional publishing and user-generated content sites, whether it’s the front-end experience or the underlying systems (ex: content management systems) that keep them…

Is Big Data Selling Out Web Designers?

Is Big Data Selling Out Web Designers?

For years, web designers have relied on free tools from the likes of Google, Facebook and other large companies to enhance the things we build. We have happily used these…

User-Centered Design for Conversion Rate Optimization

User-Centered Design for Conversion Rate Optimization

Companies hire me to improve the conversion rate of their websites. Sometimes, their underlying belief is that the main problem resides in single, isolated elements such as CTA buttons. I…

Designing for the 3 Second Rule

Designing for the 3 Second Rule

3-5 seconds! Yes that’s all it takes to make a great first impression. I know this sounds like an atrociously low time frame to create an impression, but that’s the…

Building Forms That Convert – Six Things to Keep in Mind

Building Forms That Convert – Six Things to Keep in Mind