Speckyboy Author

Addison Duvall (72 Articles)

Addison Duvall is the author of Food Identities, a blog that explores the crossroads of food, design, art, and culture. She’s written some things, designed other things, and eaten a whole lot of food.
The Secret to Successful Food Packaging Design

The Secret to Successful Food Packaging Design

We take a “field trip” into the design process behind some of the industry’s most successful and effective food packaging designs.

How to Attract the Right Clients by Focusing on a Niche

How to Attract the Right Clients by Focusing on a Niche

Useful tips for good designers so that they can market themselves to the exact kind of clients that best suits their niche and services.

The Personal Process of Choosing the Right Design Tool

The Personal Process of Choosing the Right Design Tool

Tips on how the tools you use as a designer can help improve your creative process and aid you in creating work you can stand behind.

10 Things Designers Can Learn From Pastry Chefs

10 Things Designers Can Learn From Pastry Chefs

Regardless of whether you bake or not, you can take a lot of the same knowledge pastry chefs draw upon every day to improve your design work.

How to Let Go of That Failing Creative Idea

How to Let Go of That Failing Creative Idea

To help you not quit working on that creative idea, we explore some methods that you can use to finish every design project you start.

The 10 Golden Rules of Simple, Clean Design

The 10 Golden Rules of Simple, Clean Design

These rules of clean design are based on the ten principles by Dieter Rams but modified to fit with a more general goal of simplicity.

How to Deal With Overly Opinionated Design Clients

How to Deal With Overly Opinionated Design Clients

We discuss how you as the designer can nip most design by committee in the bud, and show you how you can use it to your advantage.

How to Handle Indescribable Uniqueness in Design

How to Handle Indescribable Uniqueness in Design

We discuss weird and indescribable uniqueness in design, share how you can handle it, and whether or not it’s necessarily a good thing.

It’s Task Management, Not Time Management

It’s Task Management, Not Time Management

We share some essential tips that designers and developers should use to help manage their time so they can work more efficiently.

Why You Should Further Educate Yourself as a Designer

Why You Should Further Educate Yourself as a Designer

Some methods for further educating yourself as a designer, and apply what you learn to become better at what you do and more desirable to clients.

What To Do With All Those Spare Creative Ideas

What To Do With All Those Spare Creative Ideas

There are many ways you can deal with all those spare creative ideas. Here are some suggestions on what you can do with them.

Finding a Niche as a Designer Isn’t an Overused Cliché

Finding a Niche as a Designer Isn’t an Overused Cliché