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Freelance Clients

Learn the best ways to find potential design clients, negotiate prices, market your services, and deliver high-quality work.

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Here Are the Biggest Mistakes Freelance Web Designers Make

Here Are the Biggest Mistakes Freelance Web Designers Make

Here are the biggest mistakes freelance web designers typically make. I’ve experienced them all. Read on to learn how to avoid them.

The Importance of Diversifying Your Client Roster

The Importance of Diversifying Your Client Roster

Don’t put all of your eggs into one basket. That applies not only in life but also to your web design client list/roster.

Tips for Freelance Designers Who Work as a Sub-contractor

Tips for Freelance Designers Who Work as a Sub-contractor

Navigate the world of freelance design by learning how to effectively work as a subcontractor, enhancing your skills and network.

How to Say No to Design Projects That Aren’t Right for You

How to Say No to Design Projects That Aren’t Right for You

Every web designer can envision their ideal client and project. Whether it’s a project that will utilize a specific content management system (CMS) or working with a client in a…

Why I Charge the Same for Building Websites Designed by Someone Else

Why I Charge the Same for Building Websites Designed by Someone Else

As a web designer, the vast majority of my new projects are original creations. The process goes a little something like this: I create a mockup, make revisions until my…

How to Make Remote Meetings More Productive

How to Make Remote Meetings More Productive

As remote meetings can be awkward and riddled with interruptions, we share some tips that will help you hold more productive calls.

How to Stay Calm When a Client Tries Your Patience

How to Stay Calm When a Client Tries Your Patience

We take a look at some scenarios where patience between a designer and client is called for, and when it’s time to say “enough.”

Jumping Through Hoops for Prospective Web Design Clients

Jumping Through Hoops for Prospective Web Design Clients

You’ll start to spot those red flags for projects and clients you want to avoid. It is about understanding the types of clients you want to work with.

The Tasks Freelance Web Designers Should Consider Outsourcing

The Tasks Freelance Web Designers Should Consider Outsourcing

As every freelancer has different strengths and time can often be limited, there are some tasks you may want to pass along to someone else.

Why Third Parties Are Taking an Interest in Your Client’s Website Security

Why Third Parties Are Taking an Interest in Your Client’s Website Security

For years, security processes were between a designer, host, and client. But increasingly, other third parties are taking an active interest.

How to Stop Design Clients Making Too Many UX Decisions

How to Stop Design Clients Making Too Many UX Decisions

Leaving UX decisions to non-designers could be disastrous. We explore some ways you can keep your clients at a safe distance from UX.

The Five Types of Projects NOT to Include in Your Portfolio

The Five Types of Projects NOT to Include in Your Portfolio