8 CSS & JavaScript Snippets That Celebrate Books


As a publishing medium, books are survivors. They continue to flourish, even as our society embraces other high-tech forms of content consumption. There’s still something about holding one in your hand that feels right.

Thus, it’s no surprise that web designers express their book fandom through code. Some pay homage to their favorite titles. Others seek to recreate the medium’s form and function on a screen.

Today, we’ll introduce you to some impressive book-related code snippets. They use CSS and JavaScript to bring literature to life. You’ll find everything from 3D objects to fully-interactive page-turners. Here we go!

CSS Coffee Table Book Effect

Designed by Lynn Fisher

With the help of CSS, any image can become a book. This snippet takes advantage of the CSS transform and clip-path properties to create a 3D rendering. Perfect for displaying on your coffee table (or virtual desktop).

See the Pen CSS coffee table book effect by Lynn Fisherhello

Pure CSS Book Loader

Designed by Aaron Iker

Loading graphics offers a simple way to improve the user experience (UX). But you don’t have to settle for something generic. For example, book-related websites could add an extra touch of context with this fun animation.

See the Pen Pure CSS Book Loader by Aaron Ikerhello

Missing Book 404 Page Animation

Designed by Valeriia

Here’s an interesting way to use books in web design. This 404-page layout opens up a cabinet to reveal a stack of books. Each book is a clickable navigation element. An empty outline represents the missing page that can’t be found.

See the Pen 404 page animation – missing book by Valeriiahello

George Orwell’s 1984 in CSS & SVG

Designed by Theahello

Using a combination of CSS and SVG, this pen celebrates George Orwell’s classic Nineteen Eighty-Four. Hovering over the element changes the perspective, with the book’s spine coming into view. This effect would be an excellent fit for a bookseller or review blog.

See the Pen George Orwell #CodepenChallenge by Theahello

Kindle Paperwhite Simulator in CSS

Designed by Iah Bhello

Yes, books have joined the high-tech scene – thanks to devices like the Kindle Paperwhite. It allows readers to carry an entire library’s worth of literature around (try doing that with old-school hardbacks), while still offering a paper-like experience. Click around this emulator to explore the universe.

See the Pen Kindle Paperwhite Simulator by Iah Bhello

Field Notes Workbook with CSS

Designed by Tim Aronan

This ingenious replica of a Field Notes workbook is completely interactive. Hover over the cover to open the book, type a message directly onto a page, and hold down on the page to flip to a new one. Amazingly, this is all done with CSS and HTML forms.

See the Pen Working Field Notes w/ CSS by timaronanhello

A Book Generator Apart

Designed by Dave Rupert

If you’ve ever wanted to write a book, here’s your chance to play pretend. Enter your book’s title, author, and issue number. You can also change the cover’s primary color. Then download an SVG image and share it with friends!

See the Pen A Book Generator Apart by Dave Ruperthello

Book Flip Page Turn with CSS & JavaScript

Designed by Anya Melnyk

The idea of “turning” the pages of an online book has been around for a long time. The effect goes back to the days of Flash. These days, it can be built with a little bit of CSS and JavaScript (the Turn.js library, in this case). It’s a fun way to add interactivity to any website.

See the Pen book flip page turn by Anya Melnykhello

Add a Literary Touch to Your Projects

Whether you’re creating a tribute to Harry Potter or simply love the aesthetic of books, there are plenty of ways to integrate them into your website. The snippets above serve a variety of purposes. However, they only scratch the surface of what’s possible.

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