The great thing about a sweet treat is that we don’t need a reason to have one. It doesn’t have to be a birthday or holiday to indulge in candy, baked goods, or even a soft drink. Not that any of us would go overboard, mind you.
Kidding aside, these tasty concoctions are often associated with good times. They bring back childhood memories and moments shared with loved ones. And the experience of making them can also spark those warm fuzzy feelings.
It’s no secret that many web designers have a sweet tooth. Some have even gone so far as to use their skills to create virtual shrines to their favorites. The recipes differ, but they all have two ingredients in common: CSS and JavaScript.
To prove our point, here are eight mouth-watering snippets to sweeten your screen.
Sugar, Sugar with Three.js & GSAP
Designed by Steve Gardner
Who’s up for a pile of goodies? This clever animation relies on Three.js and GSAP to spell out the word “SUGAR.” It’s an attention-getter for sure. Plus, it demonstrates how one can build some complex presentations using these libraries.
See the Pen Sugar, Sugar by Steve Gardner
Candy Ring Pure CSS Preloader
Designed by Jon Kantner
Loading graphics provides a prime opportunity for adding creativity. This pure CSS snippet creates a beautiful blue and white candy swirl. It’s both fun and mesmerizing.
See the Pen Candy Ring Preloader by Jon Kantner
CSS Only Cupcake Slider with Sprinkles
Designed by Jamie Coulter
Visuals can do wonders in terms of getting customers interested in your product. Here we have a slider that is as tempting as it is slick. The animation brings a feeling of interactivity, while the illustrations are simply beautiful. And to think that all of this was accomplished using only CSS? Amazing.
See the Pen CSS Only Cupcake Slider with Sprinkles! by Jamie Coulter
A CSS & GSAP Candy Heart
Designed by Katherine Kato
Candy hearts are traditionally associated with Valentine’s Day. But our love of code can be celebrated year-round! This fun animation combines both passions with the help of CSS and GSAP.
See the Pen Candy Heart by Katherine Kato
Recreate Candyland with CSS, SVG & JavaScript
Designed by Luke Lincoln
This over-the-top homage to the classic board game Candyland is quite heavy on sugar. Thankfully it’s all guilt-free when displayed on your screen. This one is a great mix of SVG and JavaScript that results in a delectable presentation.
See the Pen Sugar rush (candyland) by luke lincoln
Create an Orange Soda Background
Designed by Lisa Benmore
Perhaps there’s nothing quite like enjoying some soda on a warm day. If you don’t have either of those things, this snippet may be the next best thing. Random bubbles against an orange background bring some sweet citrus taste to mind. And it would make a terrific background for a website hero area.
See the Pen Who Loves Orange Soda? #codepenchallenge by Lisa Benmore
Create a CSS 3D Cake
Designed by S. Shahriar
Not sure which slice of cake you want? Then maybe you should take a look around to find the most attractive piece. That’s exactly what this 3D model does, as you can drag it (or use the keyboard) to get a 360-degree view. The artwork was created using CSS, while a tiny bit of JavaScript adds flavor.
See the Pen CSS 3D Cake 🍰 by S. Shahriar
CSS Hover Pudding
Designed by Deren
Sometimes it’s the simplest things that make us happy – like a bit of pudding for dessert. This snippet gives us a chance to put a smile on our food for once. Hover over this pudding and take in its joyful reaction.
See the Pen Challenges:CSS Hover Pudding🍮 by Deren
Writing the Sweetest of Code
Our creativity tends to be at its best when we’re having fun. And what could be more fun than crafting something sweet? The snippets above are prime examples of how innovative web designers can be when given the freedom to experiment.
Plus, it’s easy to see the similarities between writing code and making sweet treats. Each requires expert use of tools and ingredients to produce the best possible outcome.
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