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Learn about different web and mobile styles, including horizontal, vertical, and responsive menus, and improve your navigation design skills and the UX of your website.

Simple WordPress Snippets to Enhance Your Secondary Navigation

Simple WordPress Snippets to Enhance Your Secondary Navigation

Using these WordPress snippets can further help users get where they need to go and discover content they may have otherwise missed.

8 CSS & JavaScript Snippets for Creating Paginated Navigations

8 CSS & JavaScript Snippets for Creating Paginated Navigations

We share some highly creative CSS and JavaScript code snippets that you can use for free to improve the pagination on your own website.

8 CSS & JavaScript Snippets for Icon-Based Navigations

8 CSS & JavaScript Snippets for Icon-Based Navigations

We share a collection of unique CSS and JavaScript code snippets that you can freely use to create icon-based website navigations.

8 CSS & JavaScript Snippets for Creating Mega Menus

8 CSS & JavaScript Snippets for Creating Mega Menus

A collection of CSS & JavaScript snippets for building mega menus. Everything from simple, text-based navigation to richly-styled UIs.

10 CSS & JavaScript Snippets for Creating Responsive Navigations

10 CSS & JavaScript Snippets for Creating Responsive Navigations

These responsive CSS navigation examples are free to edit and use on your own projects. We have a menu type for all types of websites.

8 CSS & JavaScript Snippets for Creating Hamburger Menus

8 CSS & JavaScript Snippets for Creating Hamburger Menus

We share a collection of CSS and JavaScript snippets that will allow you to enhance and expand the capabilities of your hamburger menus.

30 Simple Responsive Navigation Solutions & Tutorials

30 Simple Responsive Navigation Solutions & Tutorials

JavaScript plugins and CSS solutions to help you find the responsive navigation solution that best suits the website you’re currently working on.

12 Stunning Examples of Hamburger Menu Transitions for Inspiration

12 Stunning Examples of Hamburger Menu Transitions for Inspiration

We explore a collection of beautifully designed websites that have created some truly stunning hamburger menu transitions.

8 Inspiring Examples of Sticky Vertical Navigations in Web Design

8 Inspiring Examples of Sticky Vertical Navigations in Web Design

Everything you need to know about designing and implementing a sticky vertical navbar, including inspiring examples and best practices.

10 Modern Examples of Slide-Out Sidebars

10 Modern Examples of Slide-Out Sidebars

Slide-out sidebars are invaluable. And some helpful CSS & JS code snippets that give you a perfect base for creating your own, are always welcome.

7 Awful Website Navigation Mistakes You Should Avoid

7 Awful Website Navigation Mistakes You Should Avoid

Avoid these common website navigation mistakes to ensure a smooth and user-friendly experience for your visitors.

Analyzing the Hamburger Menu in Web Design

Analyzing the Hamburger Menu in Web Design