Speckyboy Author

Zaher Karp (5 Articles)

Zaher has a passion for design and a background in syndicated writing, editing, research, composition, and project management. He currently juggles health services research, creating print-ready books in a prepress environment, and his own business, Sustainable Clarity. He is based in Madison, Wisconsin.
The jQuery Foundation Relaunches the jQuery Plugin Registry

The jQuery Foundation Relaunches the jQuery Plugin Registry

Last Week, the jQuery Foundation relaunched its jQuery Plugin Registry with a much-improved UI, providing a single source for plugins.

The ICO Amends the EU Cookie Law to Allow ‘Implied Consent’

The ICO Amends the EU Cookie Law to Allow ‘Implied Consent’

At the last minute, the UK’s Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) has decided to dilute an already watery law. Last Thursday, among the last minute amendments to the law, legislators added…

jCSML – A New Cross Platform Animation Library

jCSML – A New Cross Platform Animation Library

With mobile access and tablets, cross-platform media compatibility has become one of the most important features for new web technologies. With Adobe Flash not being supported on iOS and HTML5…

No to the Cookie Law

No to the Cookie Law

A newly launched site has dubbed the upcoming EU Cookie Law “ridiculous,” echoing the sentiments of a growing number of voices across the internet. As these protests grow louder, No…

The EU Cookie Law

The EU Cookie Law