Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Design & Development Resources & Inspiration for Creatives Sun, 09 Feb 2025 21:57:54 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Design & Development 32 32 How AI Changed My Web Development Workflow Mon, 13 Jan 2025 10:25:39 +0000 AI has changed my workflow. ChatGPT and Copilot have also changed how I approach development projects. Here's a look at how AI has impacted me so far.

The post How AI Changed My Web Development Workflow appeared first on Speckyboy Design Magazine.

We’re still in the early days of artificial intelligence’s (AI) introduction into web development. The technology initially seemed like a gimmick (or a death sentence, depending on your point of view).

I have wrestled with what AI means for our industry during this time. There’s potential to make our jobs easier. However, there are also questions about where these large language models (LLM) get their data and how accurate they are. Not to mention the eerie feeling of replacing humans.

Is the glass half empty or half full? Perhaps we won’t know for a few more years. New tools and technical evolutions are sure to come.

One thing I can say is that AI has changed my workflow. And it’s about more than saving time. Tools like ChatGPT and GitHub’s Copilot have also changed how I approach development projects.

Here’s a look at how AI has impacted me so far. I hope you see a thing or two that resonates.

A Solution to Coding Challenges

I’ll admit it: I’m not the world’s best coder. My experience with PHP and JavaScript is riddled with fits and starts. I tend to make some progress – only to run into a debugging nightmare. It’s those little things that get in the way, you know?

AI tools have, for better or worse, saved me from scouring Google for solutions. I can paste the offending code snippet into ChatGPT, and it will explain where I went wrong. It will even provide a corrected version.

Issues such as syntax errors aren’t easy to spot with the naked eye. Code editors can point them out but don’t often provide easy-to-understand suggestions. AI acts like an extremely patient friend who holds your hand during these tough times.

I feel guilty for contributing to the decline of traffic to Stack Overflow and similar communities. On the other hand, finding quick answers has lowered my stress levels.

This feature is invaluable for freelancers who work solo. It’s like having a colleague on hand, 24/7. And even when the answers aren’t 100% accurate, they usually lead you in the right direction.

Tools like GitHub Copilot are adept at troubleshooting code.

A More Holistic Approach to Development

Time is always of the essence when doing custom development work. Budgets are limited, and deadlines are short. Sometimes, this leads to a result that isn’t as good as it could be.

There’s also a tie-in with limited coding skills. It’s hard to build a top-notch feature when you spend most of your time debugging. I find myself rushing to get things done rather than polishing them.

AI has made a huge impact in this area. Its ability to quickly write code and solve problems allows me to approach projects differently. I can take a holistic view that encompasses how things should look and work.

The experience has been freeing. My focus has changed to implementing and then improving my code. There’s room to add details that make for a better user experience. I also have more time for quality control.

If anything, AI has brought some clarity to my usually-scattered mind. Working step-by-step through a project is easier than ever.

AI can increase efficiency, allowing you more time to improve your development projects.

A Newfound Confidence in What’s Possible

Custom development has always scared me. I often doubted something was possible until I made it work. Funny as it sounds, having AI’s help at my disposal has improved my confidence. I no longer cringe as much when a client asks for something I haven’t done before.

That doesn’t mean the build process will be worry-free. There will still be bumps in the road and unexpected challenges. However, combining AI with my existing knowledge empowers me to determine the best way forward.

I think this is another side effect of working solo. Each task feels like climbing a mountain when doing it alone. Having access to the right resources helps to ease the burden.

To be clear, I don’t equate AI with a human developer. People are much better at things like planning and critical thinking.

Machines can’t yet compete in that realm. They provide an extra depth of knowledge and boost productivity, though. That makes a big difference when you’re used to doing it all yourself.

It makes me feel like I can take on projects I might have turned down before.

ChatGPT serves as an interactive code reference.

AI Provides a Helping Hand When I Need It

Believe it or not, I don’t use AI every day. Most of my web design and development work originates from my imperfect brain. As does 100% of my writing. I’m happy to keep it that way.

However, I have experienced numerous occasions where an extra bit of help is appreciated. That led to a lot of frustration in the past. Having neither the time nor money to hire an expert for small tasks caused a lot of headaches.

That’s where AI has been most useful. Writing a WordPress function or manipulating the DOM with JavaScript can be accomplished with minimal effort. They’re no longer sticking points that hold me back.

In the end, that’s what tools are supposed to do. We use them to do more in less time. The tools may change, but the concept remains the same. Maybe AI is just the latest in a long line of them.

The post How AI Changed My Web Development Workflow appeared first on Speckyboy Design Magazine.

How to Use ChatGPT to Export Data from a WordPress Database Sun, 24 Nov 2024 17:48:41 +0000 Learn how ChatGPT can help extract data from multiple WordPress plugins for quicker and easier data handling.

The post How to Use ChatGPT to Export Data from a WordPress Database appeared first on Speckyboy Design Magazine.

Retrieving data from a WordPress site can be a nightmare. Site data could reside in several places. Pulling from these various sources isn’t easy.

Websites that feature eCommerce or memberships are prime examples. Each plugin may store data in a different spot. Some create separate database tables. Others use the default WordPress locales.

Export plugins exist that help in some – but not all – circumstances. For example, you might be able to export customer orders. However, grabbing additional data not directly related to those orders may not be possible.

Writing a custom query is another option. But you’ll need to know your way around PHP and MySQL. Not everyone has the expertise to do so.

Artificial intelligence (AI) can help. As I discovered, tools like ChatGPT can do the dirty work. It simplified the process and saved me loads of time. Perhaps it saved my sanity as well.

Here’s how to use AI to get what you need from the WordPress database.

Before We Get Started

There are a few items we should mention before starting:

  • Back up Your Site’s Database or Create a Local Copy of Your Site
    None of what we’re doing here should hurt your database. However, create a fresh backup – just in case.
  • You can also create a local copy of your site for experimenting. That enables you to work without the risk of harming your production website.
  • Have Access to a ChatGPT Account
    We’re using ChatGPT for this demo. Therefore, you’ll want to have access to a free account. You can follow along and experiment.

Other AI tools, such as Google Gemini, may also work. The point is to use an AI tool that will generate code.

Also, a warning: Use caution when generating code. AI tools can make mistakes! Review the code before using it.

What Are You Doing with the Data?
There are a couple of things you can do with the data you retrieve:

  • Display the data on the front end of your site;
  • Download a CSV file that contains the data;

You’ll want to determine this beforehand. The process is a bit different depending on your choice.

Oh, and you’ll also need access to your site’s database. Access to your theme is required for displaying data on the front end.

You'll need access to ChatGPT or another AI tool.

Retrieving User Data from Different Plugins

Now, onto our experiment. Let’s take a common sticking point and try to make sense of it.

Our fictional website has two purposes. We sell various products with WooCommerce. Customers come to our site, create accounts, and order from us.

On the other side of the coin, we also sell memberships. Our members pay for access to exclusive content. We use the Restrict Content Pro plugin to power this feature.

Both WooCommerce and Restrict Content Pro have reporting features. For example, we can find out how many members we have. Or the number of WooCommerce customers.

But what if we want to combine this data? There’s no straightforward way to do this. So, let’s see if AI can help.

Step 1: Find the Data You Want

The first step is to determine what data you want to retrieve. Then, you’ll need to find the data inside the WordPress database.

Our goal is to create a CSV export file that includes users who are:

  • A customer in our WooCommerce shop AND…
  • Have an active membership via Restrict Content Pro;

Data isn’t always easy to locate. In some cases, you may need to reference plugin documentation. Or contact their technical support. A thorough database search can help if all else fails.

In our case, WooCommerce and Restrict Content Pro create custom database tables. That will make our job a bit easier.

  • WooCommerce table names use the ‘wp_wc‘ prefix.
  • Restrict Content Pro table names use the ‘wp_rcp‘ prefix.

We’ll also want to bring in data from the ‘wp_users‘ and ‘wp_usermeta‘ tables. That allows us to tie customer and membership data to specific users.

With that in mind, we’ll look for the following information:

Data Type Database Table Column
User ID wp_users ID
First Name wp_usermeta Meta Key: first_name
Last Name wp_usermeta Meta Key: last_name
Customer ID wp_wc_customer_lookup customer_id
Membership Status wp_rcp_memberships status
Membership Level ID wp_rcp_memberships object_id

Step 2: Ask ChatGPT to Create a Database Query

Next, we’ll ask ChatGPT for some help. We’ll want to provide a clear explanation of the task.

Here’s the prompt I used:

I'd like to create a MySQL database query for a WordPress website. I only want to retrieve users who have both a WooCommerce Customer ID and a membership via Restrict Content Pro.

Here is the data I'd like to retrieve:

From the wp_users database table:

From the wp_usermeta database table:
Meta Key: first_name
Meta Key: last_name

From the wp_wc_customer_lookup database table:

From the wp_rcp_memberships database table:

Step 3: Get the Response

ChatGPT’s response included a code snippet and a detailed explanation of it (view the full response). The snippet joins multiple database tables together to produce a single report.

So, how do we see if it works? We can run the query in a tool that connects to the site’s database. I’m using a local website that includes AdminerEvo.

You could also use phpMyAdmin, MySQL Workbench, or similar apps. ChatGPT can even provide instructions for whatever app you’re using.

I’ve pasted the query into the SQL Command screen inside AdminerEvo.

Step 4: Study the Results

The results are in! Our fictional website has 198 users. 15 of them have a paid membership. There are also 200 product orders.

So, how many are WooCommerce customers and Restrict Content Pro members? A grand total of seven.

The query results returned the columns we requested. From here, we can tweak things further or export the data.

The results of the database query.

Going Further with AI

Our example query may seem simple. However, bringing together data from multiple plugins is challenging. A custom solution is often the only solution.

I’m no coding expert. Thus, figuring out how to get data became frustrating. Thankfully, AI has proven to be a terrific tool for the job.

It’s one of the areas where this technology shines. Many of us struggle to write this sort of code on our own. Writing a prompt describing what we want isn’t so bad, however.

There are also opportunities to take things further. We could change our prompt to display data on a WordPress page. Or return data relevant to the currently logged-in user.

A working knowledge of PHP and MySQL can take you a long way. So, experiment and see what you can accomplish. And be sure to add up all the time you save in the process!

The post How to Use ChatGPT to Export Data from a WordPress Database appeared first on Speckyboy Design Magazine.

How to Stay Relevant as a Web Designer in the Age of AI Sat, 02 Nov 2024 08:42:01 +0000 We discuss the unique value web designers offer in an AI-driven age, emphasizing our irreplaceable creative skills and strategic insights.

The post How to Stay Relevant as a Web Designer in the Age of AI appeared first on Speckyboy Design Magazine.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is coming for us all. Or at least that’s the current narrative.

The technology is already changing how web designers do their jobs. We’re using it to help us debug code and generate content. And who knows what will come next?

We’re also seeing prompt-based tools that promise to “design” for us. The idea is to turn a time-consuming process into one that takes minutes. Oh, and cut into our profits along with it.

Yes, it’s concerning. Even so, I don’t believe that AI will replace us. However, it may require us to reinforce the message of who we are and what we do.

It’s an opportunity to showcase our value to the world. It’s also a chance to re-introduce ourselves to website owners. We might even divert their attention away from these shiny new tools.

How does this look? Here are some ideas for repositioning web designers in the age of AI.

Personal Service and Better Communication

AI tools are user-friendly on the surface. Feed ChatGPT your instructions and watch the magic happen. Could it be that simple?

The reality is a bit different. Getting an accurate response from AI isn’t always easy. You’ll have to write prompts that are crystal clear. Accuracy also depends on the quality of the tool’s training data.

Interacting with a human expert is a better experience. We (hopefully) understand a conversation’s context better than a machine. We can offer solutions based on this information.

It’s hard to overstate the importance of personalized service. The web design industry has a plethora of tools for every need. Finding the right one for a given project is best left to those in the know.

Yes, humans make mistakes. Sometimes, we choose the wrong path. But we can correct course more readily. There’s no need for someone to reprogram us.

Relationship building is also an advantage for us humans. It’s a crucial part of developing a successful website. Try achieving this with a bot!

Web designers offer a collaborative approach to projects.

Web Designers Pay Attention to the Details

The little things often separate a brand from the competition. The same can be said for a website as well.

Human know-how is a factor here. Web designers can draw from experience. There are usability tweaks that an LLM (large language model) may not “think” of. Plus, they may not discern their level of appropriateness.

For example, let’s consider a contact form. Adding placeholder attributes can help guide users to provide the expected input. We’d also want to use HTML labels to improve accessibility. Will an AI design tool take this into account?

Website performance is another relevant example. Reading page speed test results and making appropriate changes is a skill. Sometimes, there are tradeoffs regarding compatibility and functionality. We can’t expect AI to act in our best interest.

There’s no guarantee an AI tool will consider these items. We can use it to help us generate and debug elements, though.

Web designers are better equipped to make these decisions. Plus, we know how to leverage tools to achieve the best result. The machine should be an assistant – not a project lead.

A web designer can help their clients choose the best tools.

Paving a Path for Client Success

In some ways, the definition of a web designer hasn’t changed much. We’re still here to help clients get from Point A to Point B. We serve as a guide on the pathway to online success.

It’s akin to hiring a professional in other fields. For instance, an auto mechanic may have top-of-the-line tools. However, they still have to know how to do their job. Their education and experience are a big part of why we trust them.

The same is true for our industry. AI tools have massive capabilities – and we’re just scratching the surface. But how do we get the best results from them? That’s something an expert can do.

Perhaps it’s no different than the other DIY platforms out there. Many promise that anyone can build a website.

This is true when taken at face value. None of this speaks to quality or usability, though. That’s why some website owners return to us after an unsatisfactory experience.

Let’s go back to our mechanic analogy. Yes, we can install new brakes on our vehicle. But we may not have the expertise to do it correctly. Thus, it’s probably not worth the risk.

Website owners have a similar choice. They can trust that an AI platform will do everything they need. Or they can work with a professional – one who is committed to bringing their vision to life.

In that way, web designers are an essential piece of the puzzle. We should promote ourselves as such.

The post How to Stay Relevant as a Web Designer in the Age of AI appeared first on Speckyboy Design Magazine.

5 Common Tasks That ChatGPT Can Perform for Web Developers Sun, 20 Oct 2024 07:25:22 +0000 We take a look at a few common tasks that ChatGPT can perform for web developers. You might be surprised at some of its capabilities.

The post 5 Common Tasks That ChatGPT Can Perform for Web Developers appeared first on Speckyboy Design Magazine.

Every web developer has tasks they’d rather avoid. Or ones that simply take up too much time. Quite often, they’re little things that get in the way of more important work.

You could hire someone to help with these tasks. But that can be cost-prohibitive – not to mention inefficient. And there’s also the challenge of finding someone who is reliable.

This is where the advent of artificial intelligence (AI) tools like ChatGPT comes into play. While they can’t do everything for us, they can make quick work of common tasks. That leaves you with more time to focus on other aspects of your projects.

Today, we’ll look at a few common tasks that ChatGPT can perform for web developers. You might be surprised at some of its capabilities.

Create a Regular Expression Based on Your Instructions

The logic and syntax of regular expressions (regex) can be difficult to grasp. So much that you may cringe at the idea of having to write one. We hear you!

On the other hand, regex can be quite powerful. It can be used to find matching data in even the most complicated text strings. If you’re writing code, you’ll eventually need one.

Based on our experiments, ChatGPT is surprisingly good at creating regular expressions. We asked it to write an expression that could find a unique ID within a URL. With just a few basic parameters in our prompt, the tool immediately produced the code and explained how it works.

If you use AI for nothing else in your life, this may be the one task worth trying. It could save your sanity.

Asking ChatGPT to write a regular expression.

Write a Basic WordPress Plugin

Sometimes, the hardest part of writing a custom WordPress plugin is getting started. Trying to include “all the things” at once can lead to frustration. And working within the various APIs WordPress offers can be confusing.

ChatGPT can help. No, it won’t write you a fully-fledged WooCommerce competitor. But it can help get you pointed in the right direction.

For example, you might use it to create a basic plugin. And the tool can also help you add features as you think of them. ChatGPT remembers your “conversations” and lets you go back to them at any time.

A good start is crucial. AI can take care of the initial dirty work. Once you have a solid foundation for your plugin, the sky’s the limit.

ChatGPT begins writing a WordPress plugin on command.

Summarize a Blog Post for SEO

Adding a meta description for website content is good practice. It can have a positive impact on search engine optimization (SEO). Plus, it helps readers understand the subject matter when browsing a search results page (SERP).

But writing these summaries can be a pain. Particularly if the content was written by your client. You’ll have to read it whether you’re interested or not. And then you’ll need to write a description in 155 characters or less.

Why not ask ChatGPT? Provide it with the URL and ask for a character-limited summary. In a few seconds, you’ll have a good starting point.

Sure, you may need to fine-tune some of the wording. But that’s still faster and easier than doing it all yourself.

One side benefit: if you’re using WordPress, you can also use the generated text as an excerpt.

ChatGPT can summarize an article based on your parameters.

Troubleshoot a Buggy Code Snippet

It’s easy to get frustrated while debugging code. You could spend hours trying to figure out why a snippet isn’t working. And even the tiniest syntax error can be the culprit. There are better ways to spend an afternoon (or evening).

Modern development tools can point out errors. Or they’re effective at telling you there’s an error – they don’t always give specifics.

Before you reach your wit’s end, give ChatGPT a try. It’s capable of spotting those pesky syntax issues. If the tool is feeling especially generous, it may provide you with a corrected version.

In our testing, the tool was able to identify errors in both JavaScript and PHP snippets. And it took mere seconds.

This doesn’t guarantee that you’ll be able to fix every issue. But it’s worth the time to see if AI can be of help.

Provide a code snippet and ChatGPT can scan it for errors.

Find the Right Tool for Your Project

Researching tools for development projects can be time-consuming. Plus, depending on the functionality you need; it’s not always easy to find a great match.

Thankfully you can use AI as a trusted consultant. Ask ChatGPT to recommend ways to build a specific type of website and it may have just the solution.

For example, asking: “What WordPress plugin can I use to build an online course?” produces a handful of results. It doesn’t tell you which one is the best, but is there to provide options. From there, you can take a closer look.

At the very least, it could lead you to a tool you hadn’t considered. You might also save a bit of time searching the web.

You could discover new tools using ChatGPT.

Take Advantage of What AI Can Do for Your Workflow

Two things can benefit every web developer: a helping hand and more time. AI, and ChatGPT in particular, can provide a bit of both.

And we’re just starting to scratch the surface of what’s possible (for better or worse). These tools won’t take over your job during a vacation, but they can help you get things done quicker.

The items above are examples of how AI can turn your workflow into a well-oiled machine. It’s especially handy for those who work in a fast-paced environment. Because the last thing we need is to get bogged down with a menial task.

It seems like developers are finding new ways to leverage the power of AI daily. Therefore, feel free to experiment. Think of tasks that get in your way and see if this new technology can help. It could result in crossing more things off of your to-do list.

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How AI Can Improve Your Website’s Performance & User Experience Tue, 15 Oct 2024 06:56:25 +0000 We take a look at a few areas where AI is being leveraged on everyday websites. You might find something that moves your site to the next level!

The post How AI Can Improve Your Website’s Performance & User Experience appeared first on Speckyboy Design Magazine.

Although years in the works, it seems like artificial intelligence (AI) came out of nowhere. The technology descended upon the web like an alien spaceship. And we’re all scrambling to find ways to use it to our advantage.

Tools like ChatGPT and Google’s Bard can certainly help to streamline our workflow. They help us troubleshoot code, build plugins, and conduct research. But it can also be used to enhance your website.

There’s plenty of experimentation underway. We’re in the early stages. But AI is being enlisted to help with everything from improving chatbots to generating blog posts.

Today, we’ll look at a few areas where AI is already being leveraged on everyday websites. Take a look and you might find something that moves your site to the next level!

Note: This article mentions specific products that use AI. We do not endorse these products. Nor can we vouch for their quality or accuracy. As always, conduct thorough research before using them.

Help Users Find What They’re Looking For

The concept of chatbots makes sense. You’re not available to answer user questions 24/7. Thus, these automated features can serve as an always-on customer service representative.

But all too often, chatbots don’t measure up. Their user experience (UX) can frustrate even the most patient among us. Accuracy isn’t always a strong point. And it can take a lot of “conversing” to get what you need.

AI is poised to change that. Several tools have been released that promise to improve the experience.

Take DocsBot AI, for example. It uses your website’s content and documentation to “train” a bot via ChatGPT.

There are a few positives to this approach. First, since it uses your content, accuracy shouldn’t be a problem. That eliminates one of the main drawbacks that AI tools have had thus far.

It also takes advantage of ChatGPT’s conversational skills. Previous generations of chatbots struggled with context. Answers often felt like “canned” responses. AI can create a more natural flow to user interaction.

Generate Relevant Website Content

AI tools that generate content seem to be making the biggest splash so far. It has created a buzz. Enough that some companies have attempted to replace human writers (this writer thinks that’s a bad idea, by the way).

WordPress has been fertile ground for these tools. Several have been integrated into the block editor. Provide the tool with a prompt and AI will do the rest. The best part is that you don’t have to leave your website’s back end.

This could be a huge time saver. There are no guarantees when it comes to quality or accuracy, however. Therefore, we wouldn’t recommend publishing generated content without close review.

But AI-generated text can serve as a great starting point. And web designers can even use it when working with clients.

Waiting for a client to provide content is a common issue. So, why not generate sample text that a client can revise? This could greatly speed up the process. Plus, it sure beats using Lorem Ipsum.

Oh, and we can’t forget about images. AI image tools such as DALL-E and Stable Diffusion can produce compelling results. They might be a nice alternative to run-of-the-mill stock photography.

DALL-E can generate unique images using artificial intelligence.

Improve Your Website’s Accessibility and Security

Not all website enhancements are visible. And what happens behind the scenes can be just as important. Both accessibility and security fall into that category.

Automated Accessibility Tools

Automated accessibility tools have existed for quite some time. They’re helpful for testing during the design and development phases of a project. As such, they’re aimed toward web designers more than everyday users.

But user-focused tools are also available. And AI is beginning to increase its capabilities.

For instance, consider software that automatically adds ALT attributes to images. While it works in a technical sense, it may not provide accurate context. Simply adding generic text to an image won’t help users.

But what if a tool could accurately describe the content of an image? Tools like EveryAlt aim to do this with an assist from AI. It may sound like a small thing. But it could dramatically enhance the UX for those who use assistive technologies. It’s also a boost for search engine optimization (SEO) as well.

A Better Way To Detect Malware

Keeping our websites safe is becoming more complex and costly. And despite our best efforts, malicious code still runs wild on the internet. It feels like a losing battle.

A combination of AI and machine learning could be just what we need. Imagine software that’s being fed a steady stream of new threats. As it “learns” the telltale signs of each attack, it can adjust on the fly to detect the code. From there, it could theoretically stop it from being executed. It might even detect new vectors of attack.

MAL{ai} is among the tools taking this approach. Early models are focused on detecting malicious PHP. But expanding the technology to cover languages like JavaScript is also possible.

Artificial intelligence could be used to detect malicious code.

Building Better Websites With the Help of AI

A website should provide users with the best possible experience. This means producing high-quality content and making sure it’s easy to find. And it’s also important to ensure that its features are accessible and safe to use. AI can play an important role in all of these areas.

None of this is foolproof, however. We shouldn’t rely on AI to do all the work for us. But it can certainly help. Think of it as a collaborator in your quest to build a great website.

What’s more, the ideas above are all in their infancy. As tools continue to improve, we’ll undoubtedly find new uses for them. Therefore, the little enhancements we make today could lead to bigger things tomorrow.

If you’re an early adopter, feel free to experiment. The knowledge you’ll gain will help you better navigate this quickly-expanding technology.

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The Fight to Own Your Creative Content Mon, 15 Jul 2024 15:17:58 +0000 Explore the ongoing battle for creative content ownership and learn key strategies for protecting your work.

The post The Fight to Own Your Creative Content appeared first on Speckyboy Design Magazine.

As a platform, the web caters to creators. It’s a place to publish and share whatever we want. We’ve used it to fuel the rise of everything from blogs to influencer videos.

The results are impressive. Think of all the careers kickstarted by online publishing. I am living proof. Writing and web design have provided me with income and a platform. I’m forever grateful.

However, the rules of content ownership seem to be changing before our eyes. And it’s not the familiar trope of a spammer copying your text and images.

These days, large companies are trying to stake a claim. Social media has been doing this for years. And now artificial intelligence (AI) is putting the practice into overdrive.

Not everyone wants to own our content outright. Various platforms are looking to profit from what we create, though. Let’s take a look at what’s happening and what it means.

A Misunderstanding That Made Creators Think

Imagine a tool that helps you create compelling content. It then takes your content and profits from it. A recent change to Adobe’s Terms of Use seemed like it might do just that.

Users were up in arms regarding the revised language in the agreement:

4.2 Licenses to Your Content. Solely for the purposes of operating or improving the Services and Software, you grant us a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free sublicensable, license, to use, reproduce, publicly display, distribute, modify, create derivative works based on, publicly perform, and translate the Content. For example, we may sublicense our right to the Content to our service providers or to other users to allow the Services and Software to operate as intended, such as enabling you to share photos with others. Separately, section 4.6 (Feedback) below covers any Feedback that you provide to us.”

I’m no lawyer or legal expert. But it sounds like the company is permitting itself to use your content. Theoretically, Adobe could use content created in Photoshop to feed its AI model.

Adobe has since clarified that this is not the case. The changes relate to allowing their cloud-based AI tools to modify your content – at your request. Furthermore, the language is there to facilitate the sharing of files via Adobe apps.

Perhaps it was all an honest misunderstanding. But can you blame anyone for being suspicious of the change?

A miscommunication regarding Adobe's licensing had content creators concerned.

Content Isn’t Just for User Consumption

The relentless pace of AI is making some people uncomfortable. Tools are scraping our websites to feed their models. Opting out isn’t straightforward.

It’s also different from social media. The workaround there has been to create content on a platform you control (a website) and promote that content on social media. We’re merely funneling traffic from a proprietary platform—not allowing it to own our creations.

AI has changed the game. The platforms are meeting us where we are. They’re indexing what we’ve published to improve their product.

All of this happens in the background. It may not be a big deal to some. If you can’t see it happening, what’s the harm?

We may not immediately see the effects. But the long-term ramifications could be significant.

What happens when a company chooses AI instead of a copywriter? Or let ChatGPT generate all of its custom code? Or replace a graphic artist with a text-to-image tool?

These things are already happening. Maybe they haven’t impacted you just yet. But pessimists will see this as feeding the machine that will take your place.

Companies including Google are developing AI tools. They are using the web to train their models.

Rethinking the Role of Apps in Content Creation

I can’t say that I ever considered the role apps play in what I create. For example, I’ve used Photoshop since the 1990s. It was a great tool that helped me accomplish my goals. It still is.

The misunderstanding surrounding its Terms of Use has me wondering. How far will an app go to serve us and itself?

It’s no longer paranoia to think a software company would use our content for profit. And governing bodies can’t act swiftly enough to stop it. It’s the wild west out there. Companies will experiment and go as far as they can.

So, perhaps it’s no longer about using the most powerful tool for the job. Now, it’s about using tools that respect users.

App developers should be clear about their intentions. And, if they are feeding content to AI models, they should allow users to opt out. The process for doing so should be simple.

There’s a market for apps with a privacy-first focus. We see this with web browsers like Firefox and DuckDuckGo. That’s a roadmap for creative apps and publishing platforms to follow.

Choose apps that respect your privacy and rights to own your content.

The New Reality of Content Creation

There’s always been some risk when publishing online. Anyone could copy your work and call it their own. Or they could redistribute your work in an unapproved manner. It’s frustrating, for sure. But we’ve learned to live with it.

These days, the concern is how and where we create. Do we own our content – or are we expected to share ownership? What rights do we have? What does all of the legalese in the Terms of Service mean?

The answers may deter some of us from publishing. That’s a shame because the internet is the perfect medium for sharing ideas.

In reality, we should think twice before using a tool or platform. As creators, we need to know what we’re getting into.

The situation also underscores the importance of free, open-source software (FOSS). Platforms like WordPress ensure content ownership and portability. Integration with AI is optional – even if blocking content scrapers isn’t automatic.

The bottom line is to do your homework. Find tools that respect your privacy and rights to ownership, and avoid the ones that go too far.

We can’t control everything in this industry, but we can make informed choices. For now, it’s our best option.

The post The Fight to Own Your Creative Content appeared first on Speckyboy Design Magazine.

15 Free & Premium Resources & Tools for Designers in 2024 Sponsored Thu, 28 Mar 2024 10:23:46 +0000 This is a collection of must-have web design resources and tools for both individual web designers and design agencies.

The post 15 Free & Premium Resources & Tools for Designers in 2024 <span class="sponsored_text">Sponsored</span> appeared first on Speckyboy Design Magazine.

Too many good things may not actually be a good thing. Modern life is already filled with noise, making it challenging to sift through repeated or similar information without feeling overloaded.

This holds true for web design resources as well. The goal here is to cut through the noise, directing your attention towards a curated collection of tools and resources. The big-name options already have plenty of exposure and are easily found, so they were intentionally excluded from this list.

Instead, we focus on showcasing 15 outstanding web design tools and resources that fly under the radar. These free and premium picks are less commonly discussed, offering fresh perspectives and solutions in the already crowded web design landscape.

  1. Website and page building tools that include a very promising free AI website builder together with some popular free and premium WordPress themes.
  2. Tools for building high-converting eCommerce stores – Shopify is gaining more followers every day. It made sense to include a first-rate Shopify theme. And you’re in luck if WooCommerce is your thing. We’ve included top WordPress themes in this list that have been developed specifically for WooCommerce and are top sellers.
  3. Tools for adding animation & special effects – Static and motionless pages are page-loading performance-friendly but seldom do a decent job of engaging visitors. We’ve picked tools that will sacrifice a little performance in exchange for impressing visitors with amazing animations and SFX.
  4. Tools that add popular website functionalities – One of the most popular post-2020 functionalities is tools that give your website the ability to take bookings, are easy to use, will do an excellent job, and can save time and money. These tools tick all those boxes and have been included.
  5. Resources for visually improving your website – The best way to differentiate between related products or services is through visual elements. We have included unique illustrations and icons to help you address that issue.

Best of all, at least half of the following 15 web design tools and resources are free for you to use.

Three important things many of these web design tools and resources have in common:

  • They are free. Many are either free or have a free version that will help you save money.
  • They are of high-quality. Free does not imply substandard quality. They are aesthetically and functionally top tier web design tools and resources.
  • Your website projects will look better. These tools and resources will turn a bland website or page into one that is appealing and exciting.

1. Trafft – Booking Solution with White Label Option

In Short: Trafft is a booking software solution with a great white label option.

Click the video above to see Trafft in action.

Trafft can make your day if you own or represent almost any type of service-oriented business and need to upgrade a manual or semi-automated booking operation or one that simply does not get the job done. In addition to booking, Trafft will help you automate requests for appointments, send reminders, and give your clients the option to pay online.

If you are a developer/agency, the Trafft booking software’s White Label Option is one you can use for your clients. In short, the White Label feature will give you the opportunity to sell Trafft to your clients as if it was developed by you, with your own name and branding replacing Trafft’s.

As a user, you will quickly become familiar with Trafft’s ease of navigation, the depth this software solution’s customization options, and its extensive collection of prebuilt booking pages. The Career Mastery Coaching prebuilt booking page, illustrates how to manage bookings for a range of different services and can be put to good use by a wide range of different enterprises.

Client Average Rating: 5 stars on Capterra, 4.7 (Excellent) on Trustpilot.

Client Insight:“I give Trafft a 10/10. It’s so easy to use and customize to your business needs. The best part is Trafft is always adding new features. Don’t walk, RUN!”

Help on the Spot Materials: Support Manual, social networks, and YouTube videos.

Explore Trafft

2. wpDataTables – Table & Chart Builder & Data Management Plugin

In Short: wpDataTables simplifies your data management tasks including data that is complex or coming from multiple sources.

Click the video above to see wpDataTables in action.

wpDataTables is best known for its ability to enable its users to easily create tables/charts when confronted with vast amounts of data or data from several diverse sources. This plugin’s top feature, Multiple Database Connections, is relatively new and adds a significant amount of data management power to an already powerful plugin. With Multiple Database Connections, any table you create can establish an independent connection to MySQL, MS SQL, or PostgreSQL databases.

Soon after you use wpDataTables you’ll realize how easy it is to work with and how its intuitive user interface serves to streamline your workflow.

Timesaving wpDataTables templates can also be put to effective use. The Responsive and Sortable Cryptocurrencies Rank Table example can easily be applied to a wide range of uses.

Client Average Rating: 4.5 out of 5 (

Client Insight:I don’t write reviews very often but when I do it must be something special. And so it is in this case. The product is perfect for my needs. A lot of interesting solutions that save a lot of time. A very developed plugin and simple, intuitive to use – very helpful.Support should be 6/5 stars.”

Help on the Spot Materials: Support manual, YouTube videos, and the Facebook community.

Explore wpDataTables

3. Amelia – Automated Booking Solution for Appointments & Events

In Short: Amelia is an automated appointment booking solution for your service-oriented agency or business.

Click the video to see Amelia in action.

According to 70%+ of Amelia’s users its Multilingual Notifications System is an outstanding feature. Why? The multilingual notifications system keeps all parties up to date on appointments/events status and fosters effective communication between your clients and your employees.

Templates can make it easy for you to set up a booking page with great UX for your clients that will also help you get new ones. Doctors You Can Trust is one of the more frequently used templates as it can be applied to a wide variety of healthcare service types.

Once you start using Amelia, you will appreciate its user friendliness, customization option, clean interface and straightforward pricing plans.

Client Average Rating: 4.8 on Capterra.

Client Insight:The Amelia plugin is awesome! I have been using it on many of my client’s websites and the experience could not be better. It’s very easy for any customer to book an appointment, pay and have the details of the meeting right on their google calendar. Also, amelia offers a ton of integrations such as with google meets, zoom and WhatsApp. The plugin is incredible and the team behind it is very friendly and always ready to help you out. Thank you!

Help on the Spot Materials: Support manual, Discord Group, and YouTube videos.

Explore Amelia

4. Mobirise AI Prompt Website Builder

In Short: Use the Mobirise AI website builder to create your pages/websites using prompt commands.

Click the video above to see Mobirise AI in action.

It can be a genuine time saver whenever you are able to accomplish a lot by doing a little. Mobirise AI Website Builder’s top feature is its ability to create anything from a landing page to a simple or one-page website from a single prompt or a series of prompts.

Upload what you want, prompt Mobirise AI, and it will take that prompt and return a content-rich page or website. You will still have to do a little fine tuning to attain perfection.

Customizing a Mobirise AI’s template, through the use of prompts, is another approach. You will appreciate the builder’s ability to respond to prompts typed in any language and to edit content without any need for code.

Client Insight:WOW, this is not the first AI website builder that I have tried to claim to be AI… It is definitely the best! The others I have tried that I have tried have not seemed like AI at all – and more like the old generic template-building frameworks like Drupal and WordPress – with the same completely irrelevant stock images… and completely unrelated to the topic/input that was given including the completely irrelevant stock images!!Your team has done VERY well here!”

Help on the Spot Materials: Support manual, YouTube videos and forums.

Generate & Download Your Website for Free

5. LayerSlider – Versatile WordPress Slider Plugin

In Short: LayerSlider is the ultimate solution for creating beautifully designed and animated web content.

Click the video above to see LayerSlider in action.

What is there to like about LayerSlider? Quite a lot, in fact. You can use this WordPress slider plugin on any website to create richly animated sliders, slideshows, popups, or other engaging content.

The most important of LayerSlider’s features is the way it enables you to seamlessly integrate stunning animations, effects, and graphics into a website to create a strong connection between your page and its visitors.

LayerSlider offers a variety of prebuilt, easily downloadable, and aesthetically pleasing templates. They give you an added website-building advantage in that you can easily customize and fill them with your own content. The DJ Service Hero template illustrates how effortless it can be to engage your website audience with energy-filled immersive visuals.

Is there anything else that you will love? Yes – LayerSlider’s Project Editor. It makes it ever so easy for you to design and create as the mood strikes you, and don’t forget the popups and banners you can use for promotional purposes.

Client Insight:“A fantastic slider plugin with regular updates to make sure compatibility is never a problem. Keep up the amazing work!”

Help on the Spot Materials: Ticket system with direct support, plus built-in help and a walkthrough of the Project Editor.

Explore Layer Slider

6. Uncode – Creative & Multipurpose WooCommerce Theme

In Short: Uncode offers you an all-in-one web-building solution.

Click the video above to see Uncode in action.

This multipurpose WooCommerce theme’s users consistently point to its WooCommerce demo library when they are asked what they consider its most important feature to be. They will mention the strict attention to detail that is evident in their designs and the inspirational qualities of the demos as the rationale behind their choice.

Which demo would be the best for you? That will be entirely up to you, as your choice will be dependent on your needs and desires. The Creative Studio demo is one of the five most widely used. Its layout and creative and somewhat unusual scroll effect will give you plenty to love.

As an Uncode buyer, you’ll will enjoy its in-depth customization options, and its clean and modern demos. Finally, outstanding support will be there when you need it.

Client Average Rating: 4.89/5

Client Insight:We bought the first Uncode license for a customer project in 2016, and since then – we have bought another 20 Uncode licenses. Although we use a few other themes as frameworks for our customers’ web projects, Uncode has become an indispensable multi-tool for solving most types of large and small web projects for our customers”.

Help on the Spot Materials: Support manual, Facebook Group, and YouTube videos.

Explore Uncode

7. Essential Grid – WordPress Gallery Plugin

In Short: Essential Grid is the perfect WordPress Gallery Plugin for creating captivating online galleries.

Click the video to see Essential Grid in action.

Essential Grid’s standout feature is its extensive library of over 50 unique grid skins, which is a key reason for its popularity among WordPress users. These skins are central to the plugin’s purpose, providing a variety of grid formats that are both innovative and beyond what many users have previously encountered.

Exploring this collection, users will discover grid layouts that are new and unexpected, such as the Grant Fuhr Blog Grid. This particular example showcases a minimal, image-focused blog grid layout enhanced by an eye-catching circular mask animation effect. Its simplicity and visual appeal make it versatile for a range of applications.

Beyond its aesthetic capabilities, Essential Grid proves to be a practical tool for efficiently organizing content streams. It is an excellent option for any website project needing a system that allows images or other content to be sorted, filtered, and searched with ease, saving time and enhancing the user experience.

Client Average Rating: 4.7/5 on Trustpilot.

Client Insight:“It’s rare in today’s world to find support that is competent and responsive, but Theme Punch’s Essential Grid support is AMAZING!!! It’s visually flawless and easy to set up. The few times I’ve needed help with the plugin over the last year, I could always count on the prompt service of the support team.”

Help on the Spot Materials: Support manual and YouTube videos.

Explore Essential Grid

8. Blocksy – Premium WordPress Theme

In Short: You will find Blocksy’s free WordPress theme ideal for building lightweight websites.

Click the video to see Blocksy in action.

Blocksy’s standout feature is hard to pin down due to its wide array of capabilities that attract a diverse fan base. Key highlights include the Custom Blocks Module, beloved for its versatility; support for Custom Post Types and Dynamic Data, which wins plenty of praise; and its Advanced WooCommerce integration, crucial for online store functionality.

Developers, in particular, may be drawn to Blocksy’s White Label Module, which allows for customization without Blocksy branding.

This theme is appreciated for being fast, easy to use, and offering detailed control over page design, all at no cost. Additionally, Blocksy boasts an impressive collection of demos, including the popular Floreo demo. Designed for eco-friendly online shops, Floreo is easily adaptable for virtually any business, making it one of the top five most utilized demos.

Client Average Rating: 5/5 on

Client Insight:“Blocksy is among the finest themes available. Its support team is exceptional as well: they have been providing us with assistance for many years, consistently demonstrating responsiveness and effectiveness.”

Help on the Spot Materials: Support Manual and detailed documentation.

Download Blocksy for Free

9. Slider Revolution – a WordPress Slider with a Kick

In Short: Slider Revolution is not your run-of-the-mill slider plugin.

Click the video above to see this dynamic plugin in action.

Slider Revolution stands out for making it simple to design captivating content sections, whether for a homepage, highlighting special products, or other purposes. This tool not only aids in crafting original designs but also allows users to incorporate elements from preferred content sources or inventories.

Gone are the days when Slider Revolution was just a tool for creating basic sliders. It has evolved, offering a broad range of design possibilities that go beyond the conventional, enabling users to create dynamic, engaging content easily. With Slider Revolution you can:

  • Build exciting multi-page websites.
  • Build portfolios that will get you hired.
  • Create page sections that stun.

You don’t have to be in the clothing or suit-selling business to put the Suits Product Showcase slider template to effective use. This and other Slider Revolution demos can easily be customized by individual web designers, web shops, and small agencies.

Client Average Rating: 4.65/5 on Trustpilot.

Client Insight: “The plugin is loaded with features and tools to create captivating content. I’m using it to create a presentation, sort of like PowerPoint. I am finding that every now and then it seems to get bogged down and things go wonky in the editor, but after saving, closing, and reopening the project, everything resets to normal. It takes a while to learn how to use it, but worth the effort. There are lots of tutorials, including videos, to help you if you get stuck. I really like this plugin”

Help on the spot materials Support manual and YouTube videos.

Explore Slider Revolution

10. WhatFontis

In Short: WhatFontis is the most accurate free font identifier on the market.

Click the video above to see WhatFontis in action.

WhatFontis shines as a valuable tool for anyone looking to pinpoint a “must-have” font quickly and easily, making it a standout addition to any design toolkit. Its primary strength lies in its core function: accurately identifying fonts from images submitted by users. For free.

What sets WhatFontis apart is its impressive accuracy rate of over 90% in identifying fonts, regardless of whether they are free or commercial. This high success rate is unmatched, with the few instances of misidentification typically due to the submission of low-quality images.

  • WhatFontis searches your font through its approx. one million free or commercial fonts (that’s five times more fonts than the database of its competitors).
  • You will get a rapid answer, thanks to is AI-powered search engine.
  • And you will get 50+ close alternatives for the font you identified.

Client Insight: “I came across this website courtesy Google search, used their services successfully; and today I found out it’s on product hunt! If you are ‘driven’ by the need to discover what font ‘that person/ company’ uses, then this should be your go-to solution site. For most of us it would be a once in a blue moon need, except for the professionals.”

WhatFontIs – Identify Any Font for Free

11. XStore – Best WordPress Theme for WooCommerce

In Short: XStore is the best WooCommerce theme for building attractive and engaging online stores.

Click the video above to see XStore in action.

XStore is well known for its classic selection of pre-built online stores. However, a relatively new feature, a selection of Sales Booster Features, has replaced the impressive online store selection as XStore’s favorite feature.

The booster features are designed to make shopping quicker and easier for customers and consequently increase a store’s conversion rate. They include Frequently Bought Together, a Free Shipping progress bar, a sticky ad-to-cart bar, cross-sells after “Add to Cart,” and more.

XStore also features a Single Product Builder, an Archive Products Builder, a Checkout Builder, and a Cart Builder for shop owners.

The online stores (demos) are designed to get your project off to a rapid start. The XStore Elementor Yoga Accessories pre-built store is one of the most widely used, and one of the most effective at engaging visitors with its attractive layout.

Client Average Rating: 4.88/5

Client Insight:“I have been using the XStore theme from ThemeForest for a while now, and this is my third purchase of the same theme. XStore has been extremely helpful in customizing websites for my clients, saving me a lot of time and effort that would have gone into coding. The built-in plugins also help in reducing costs for developers like me. I must say the team behind XStore has done a great job, and I hope they will continue to do so.”

Help on the Spot Materials: YouTube videos and support manual.

Explore XStore

12. WoodMart – WordPress WooCommerce Theme with a Message

In Short: WoodMart should be your WooCommerce theme of choice for engaging niche eCommerce website designs.

Click the video above to see WoodMart in action.

The moment you see the WoodMart website, the unique custom layouts instantly stand out. With WoodMart’s standout feature, the Custom Layouts Builder, your online store can achieve the same striking appearance. The ease of customizing layouts is just the beginning; you’ll also appreciate WoodMart’s customer-focused features, like “Frequently Bought Together” and “Dynamic Discounts.”

Additional notable features include the Theme Settings’ Search and Performance Optimization. These tools not only enhance the shopping experience for customers with sales-boosting options like “Frequently Bought Together” and “Dynamic Discounts” but also provide benefits for store owners. For developers, WoodMart’s White Label option offers the chance to customize the theme for client projects.

No matter what your business niche may be, WoodMart provides a demo to kick-start your project. If setting up an electronics store is your goal, the Electronics 2 demo is worth exploring for a comprehensive look at what WoodMart can do for your online presence.

Client Average Rating: 4.93/5.

Client Insight: “This theme has a variety of customization options and the support is just amazing – they have wonderful people to support you. Really happy and satisfied choosing woodmart.”

Help on the Spot Materials: Support manual and YouTube videos.

Explore WoodMart

13. Hongo – Multipurpose Shopify Theme

In Short: Hongo is an optimized Shopify theme with unique customer-friendly demos.

Click the video above to see the Hongo Shopify theme in action.

Hongo stands out for its exceptional design quality, which shines through in the Shopify-like websites you can create with it. This high level of design not only enhances the aesthetic appeal of your site but also saves you money. By utilizing Hongo’s custom eCommerce features, you can avoid the extra costs of Shopify apps. Additionally, Hongo offers extensive customization options for building your store, providing both financial and creative benefits.

The development team behind Hongo has focused on optimizing for speed, ensuring fast loading times on both desktops and mobile devices, enhancing user experience, and potentially boosting your site’s search engine rankings.

With Hongo, you have access to 19 pre-built eStores, covering a wide range of popular eCommerce niches. These are supported by over 150 sections and 100 pre-built pages, offering a robust foundation for your site. Hongo’s Modern Furniture Shopify theme is an excellent starting point for those looking to launch a new site. Plus, you have the flexibility to mix and match demos to create a unique online store that meets your specific needs.

Client Average Rating: 4.87/5.

Client Insight: “In my honest opinion from the quality of the theme to the customer support that stands behind Hongo this is a steal. You will not go wrong when purchasing any theme from them and I would strongly suggest purchasing the extension support because its beyond worth it.”

Help on the Spot Materials: Support manual, 150+ online articles, and YouTube videos.

Explore Hongo

14. Litho Elementor WordPress Theme

In Short: Litho enables you to take full advantage of Elementor’s popular page building features.

Click the video above to see the Litho Elementor theme in action.

Litho’s standout feature is its strong integration with Elementor, which enhances its page-building options and capabilities. It attracts a wide audience, including freelancers, artists, shop owners, digital agencies, bloggers, and writers, and is likely to impress you, too.

For startup companies, using Litho can be beneficial. You can take advantage of its importable demos, which can be used individually or collectively, allowing for a variety of combinations. The SEO Agency layout, one of its most popular, is particularly suited for startup company websites.

Furthermore, with Elementor, you can customize various page elements, including the header, footer, mini header, archive pages or post templates, page titles, and promo popups, allowing for a tailored user experience.

Client Average Rating: 4.94/5.

Client Insight:“Customer support for the Litho theme has been fantastic. Very helpful, friendly and fast. The theme is full of features and design options that are modern, setting the look and feel of this theme apart from many of the older & more established themes. The design has a fresh and professional look.”

Help on the Spot Materials: Support manual, support portal, and YouTube videos.

Explore Litho

15. Get Illustrations – Creative Stock Illustrations Collections

In Short: The number one resource for top-quality stock illustrations.

Click the video to see these illustrations in action.

GetIllustrations stocks a library of more than 21,000 ready-to-use illustrations in various categories. This resource’s top feature consists of:

  • 21,500+ vector illustrations to download.
  • Free updates for one year.
  • New illustrations added every week.

These illustrations offer entertainment, knowledge, engagement, and much more. With over 40 carefully organized categories to choose from, many have hundreds of illustrations, while some boast over 1,000. Exclusive to Getillustrations, these illustrations give you an advantage over users of other stock illustration sources.

The Leap Illustrations pack includes 70 dual-toned illustrations tailored to complement your brand’s unique personality and style, helping you stand out from competitors. This pack is ideal for organizational employees, educational materials, and similar needs.

Client Insight:“Great product and I like the alternative as opposed to just using adobe stock for illustrations for my app. Really like the illustrations you have to offer!”

Help on the Spot Materials: Vector stock illustrations are in AI, SVG, PNG, and Figma formats.

Explore Get Illustrations

With this collection of lesser-known but high-quality web design resources and tools, you will be able to use them to better deliver:

  • Website projects that persuade visitors through aesthetically better designs and visuals.
  • High-converting eCommerce stores that utilize back-end theme features developed specifically for that purpose.
  • High-demand website functionalities, such as booking forms.

Below, you will find the key information for each resource, which will help you make an informed decision about whether to try them or skip them.

The following brief recap will tell you what each tool or resource excels in and highlights their standout features:

WordPress Plugin Summary Standout Feature
Trafft The best white label booking software for agencies and developers. Trafft’s white label
WpDataTables The best WordPress plugin for creating tables and charts. Multiple database connections.
Amelia The best WordPress plugin for beautiful and intuitive booking websites. Multilingual notifications system.
Mobirise AI Website Builder Generate full-page websites using prompt commands only. Prompt command.
LayerSlider The best WordPress plugin for making simple sliders. Seamless integration of spectacular animations.
Uncode The best multiuse WordPress and WooCommerce theme. A go-to solution for any project. The design of demos.
Essential Grid The best WordPress gallery plugin for businesses. 50+ unique grid skins.
Blocksy The best free WordPress theme in 2024 for building beautiful, lightweight websites.
Slider Revolution The best WordPress plugin for creating jaw-dropping animated sliders. WOW-effects for WordPress.
WhatFontIs The best free font identifier. Identify any font from any image.
XStore The best WooCommerce theme for building high-converting online stores. Sales booster.
Woodmart The best WooCommerce theme for niche eCommerce design. Custom layouts builder.
Hongo Shopify A conversion-optimized Shopify theme with customer-centric demos. Great design quality.
Litho Creative, modern, highly customizable, responsive, and multi-purpose Elementor WordPress theme. Elementor.
GetIllustrations The #1 resource for top-quality stock illustrations. 21,000 ready-to-use illustrations.

The post 15 Free & Premium Resources & Tools for Designers in 2024 <span class="sponsored_text">Sponsored</span> appeared first on Speckyboy Design Magazine.

LimeWire Developer Brings the Power of AI to Your Apps Sponsored Tue, 19 Mar 2024 07:22:11 +0000 Unlock AI's potential in your apps with LimeWire Developer. Access powerful AI models easily and affordably. Start innovating today.

The post LimeWire Developer Brings the Power of AI to Your Apps <span class="sponsored_text">Sponsored</span> appeared first on Speckyboy Design Magazine.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is changing our world. The technology is expanding our capabilities and raising user expectations. And we’re only scratching the surface of what is possible.

Developers are racing to keep up. Many have begun adding AI to their websites and applications. They’re using it to add powerful features like generative media. The ability to create images, audio, and video via these tools is a game changer.

LimeWire Developer is making AI integration easier. This suite of generative AI REST APIs lets you tap into the power of LimeWire AI Studio. It promises quick access to top-notch AI models.

Let’s take a deeper look at LimeWire Developer. We’ll show you how it can bring your creations into the age of AI.

LimeWire Developer offers a suite of APIs for connecting to generative AI models.

Making Generative AI Easy for Developers

New AI models are coming online all the time. Most have an API for integration. However, they come with learning curves. And using multiple tools means a lot of time spent learning.

LimeWire Developer aims to simplify the process. The service offers access to 10+ generative AI models. Everything is available via a simple REST API interface.

Here’s what makes LimeWire Developer a standout addition to your toolbox:

Built with Developers in Mind

An API is only as good as its infrastructure. LimeWire Developer is both robust and scalable. It can withstand high loads of traffic and scales seamlessly. Response times are lightning-quick.

Ease of use is also a priority. The APIs feature a REST request and response structure. They work with any programming language. And you’ll find in-depth documentation.

The idea is to get you up and running quickly – all within an easy-to-understand interface.

LimeWire Developer APIs can be used with any programming language.

Access to the AI Models You Want

LimeWire Developer features top AI models to fit your needs. Whether you want to create images, audio, or video – there’s something for everyone.

For example, lots of apps are adding image-generation capabilities. LimeWire Developer works with the top names in the game. Models from BlueWillow, DALL·E, Google AI Imagen, and Stable Diffusion are available.

These models cover a range of functions. You can generate images via a text prompt or based on existing images. There are also APIs for upscaling images and removing backgrounds. It’s also possible to reconstruct or expand them.

Audio and video APIs are in the works and will be released soon. Check out LimeWire Developer’s Discord server for more details as they become available.

LimeWire Developer offers several image generation APIs.

Budget Friendly and Well-Supported

You don’t need to spend big to take advantage of AI models. Nor will you be left to fend for yourself. LimeWire Developer has you covered.

Their support staff can help you get started and answer your questions. They can also provide custom quotes and solutions to fit your project.

Plus, you’ll find packages for every budget level. Each has generous API limits and access to support. There’s even a free plan you can experiment with.

Get Started with LimeWire Developer for Free

Are you looking to add generative AI to your website or application? LimeWire Developer is worth a look. The service offers plenty of options under a singular umbrella. And its focus on developers means it’s powerful and easy to use.

What’s more, new AI models are coming. Transformative audio and video tools will be a few keystrokes away. You’ll always be at the cutting edge of this technology.

Why not give it a try? Sign up for your free LimeWire Developer key and start creating!

The post LimeWire Developer Brings the Power of AI to Your Apps <span class="sponsored_text">Sponsored</span> appeared first on Speckyboy Design Magazine.

The Grumpy Designer’s Guide to 2024 Tue, 02 Jan 2024 10:54:36 +0000 It's time for the Grumpy Designer's annual look at the year ahead. This satirical report is chock-full of useless facts and mindless predictions.

The post The Grumpy Designer’s Guide to 2024 appeared first on Speckyboy Design Magazine.

Are you curious about the future? Do you wonder how artificial intelligence (AI) will impact web design? Or if you’ll ever get that elusive Bluesky invite? You’ve come to the right place, my friends.

It’s time for my annual look at the year ahead. This satirical report is chock-full of useless facts and mindless predictions. That makes it just as good as any year-ahead article on the internet.

How do I do it? Like most internet companies, I use a proprietary algorithm. I prefer to keep it a secret. But it involves looking at the past and employing an overactive imagination. It can be yours for a small fee, by the way.

So, what does 2024 have in store for us? Here are some things that absolutely will (or probably won’t) happen. to Offer Tweet Rebuttals

2023 was an eventful year for WordPress – and not all of it was positive. Then again, a little #WPDrama is a fine spectator sport.

The divide between co-founder Matt Mullenweg’s commercial venture (Automattic) and the open-source project once again raised some eyebrows. The (supposed) problem? Automattic’s replicated plugin listings from the repository on its site.

Plugin developers expressed concern that the commercial site’s listings showed up first in search results. Mullenweg was personally called out regarding the issue. The criticism was harsh and accusatory.

He responded aggressively – even banning a member of the open-source project’s marketing team on Twitter/X.

Right or wrong, these events got the WordPress community talking. The level of discourse was palpable.

It also got my predictive senses tingling. There must be a way to capitalize on this phenomenon – right?

Mullenweg responded to many critics – but certainly not all. Were you left out? Don’t worry! You’ll have a chance to get in on the action. will soon unveil its “I Beg Your Pardon?” service. For a $20 fee, Mullenweg will personally respond to a critical tweet of your choice.

No worries if you’re short on cash. A free version from will get you an automated response from a bot.

Apple Will Thrill Fans with AI

Rumors abound that Apple is working on an artificial intelligence platform. How might it work? What are its capabilities? I have a few predictions.

A Stiff Barrier to Entry

Apple loves to sell us premium products. And they also enjoy exercising tight control of them. Don’t expect their AI offering to be any different.

Thus, their platform will only be available to those using Apple devices. But that’s not all. Adding Apple’s AI to your workflow will also require a proprietary cable. No, not the one you already have.

We’re talking about a completely new connector type. The good news is that it’s currently hidden on your device. It will reveal itself upon sensing the cable’s presence.

The bad news? The dongle costs $500. And customers will have to wait at least six months for delivery. As usual, a large number of preorders will be the culprit.

An AI Powered Website Testing Suite

Web designers will be thrilled to see Apple’s AI testing suite. Enter your URL and watch the magic happen.

The tool emulates multiple devices. For example, you can troubleshoot your client’s buggy site on their 8-year-old Android phone. Or figure out why your responsive styles aren’t working on a brand of tablet no one has heard of.

You can also test your sites on classic Apple devices. How would an Apple IIe render your home page? What about a Newton handheld? You’re a dongle away from finding out.

How would your website look on a classic Macinstosh computer?

It Will Be a Roller-Coaster Year for Elon Musk

Perhaps you don’t need a crystal ball to predict some things. Elon Musk and chaos are the perfect couple (sorry, Grimes). It’s the gift that keeps on giving.

I believe Mr. Musk will have a busy year. Seriously, there will be something wild happening every day. Here are just a few examples:

  • Musk will reveal (unprompted) that he ingested dozens of “E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial” cartridges. You know, the ones that Atari buried back in the 1980s. He may still have a stash in his basement.
  • Musk will invent an implantable microchip that allows chickens to speak. Ironically, he’ll call it “Twitter“.
  • What about the service formerly known as Twitter? Musk hasn’t forgotten about it. He’ll continue to reinstate banned accounts. Next up: Napolean. Watch out for a rant hundreds of years in the making.
  • We hear the Tesla Cybertruck will finally start deliveries in 2024. What’s the catch? It only includes models that come equipped with a Musk-approved flamethrower.
  • Tesla’s Autopilot feature is having issues. Musk will replace it with an “Autonag” option. A virtual Elon will criticize your driving skills and shout them through the car’s audio system. Transport will never be the same.

Who wouldn't want Elon Musk to criticize their driving skills?

Best Wishes for 2024!

Yes, the predictions above are silly. But they underscore that we’re in a time of change. AI is disrupting our industry. The tools we use are evolving. Somehow, we’ll need to adapt. For instance, I may have ChatGPT write this article for me next year.

None of this will be easy. Web designers have weathered plenty of shifts, though. I’m still here – and so are you!

So, take a deep breath. Find something to laugh about. And do your best to make 2024 a great year.

The post The Grumpy Designer’s Guide to 2024 appeared first on Speckyboy Design Magazine.

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Will Replacing Creative Professionals with AI Backfire? Mon, 04 Dec 2023 11:49:32 +0000 AI could impact all creative professionals in one way or another. Web designers, developers, and graphic artists are among them.

The post Will Replacing Creative Professionals with AI Backfire? appeared first on Speckyboy Design Magazine.

Tools touting artificial intelligence (AI) haven’t been around for very long. But that hasn’t stopped companies from taking a leap of faith with them. Some have even attempted to replace humans with ChatGPT or similar apps.

One such experiment came from Sports Illustrated. The venerable publication has allegedly published AI-generated writers and content on its website. They went so far as to source AI author profile pictures as well.

They’re not the first to try this. CNET tested a similar strategy. There’s no doubt that other companies will follow.

The quest for cheap (or free) content is hitting writers. But it could impact all creative professionals in one way or another. Web designers, developers, and graphic artists are among them.

How far might companies go? And what sort of backlash could they face? I have a few thoughts on what might happen.

Let’s Go Hypothetical with Taylor Swift

Just humor me here. I’m trying to imagine the lengths a company might go to save money. And how they might replace a creative professional with AI. Thus, here’s a hypothetical scenario starring Miss Taylor Swift.

Swift is pulling in a massive amount of cash. Her Eras tour has raked in billions of dollars. She’s a media darling and has fans all over the world. She’s irreplaceable – right? Well, it wouldn’t be shocking if someone tried.

Let’s suppose a record label had all of her recorded music. Perhaps they feed these tracks into an AI model. The app “learns” her lyrical style and the tone of her voice.

Now, that record label has a big idea. Their AI model can generate new songs using Swift’s signature style.

They can replicate her voice. Perhaps they don’t want to go that far, though. It will likely have legal ramifications. But they can change things up just enough to sound similar. And that may be enough to produce a hit.

Would fans accept AI-generated music? The song uses a proven formula, after all. Therefore, let’s assume they do.

Playing this song on the radio may work well. But what about a concert tour? People will want to connect with this hot new artist – or a facsimile of one. It’s a key ingredient to a successful brand.

This fictional record label could hire an actor to lip-sync on stage. A modern-day Milli Vanilli, perhaps. But this doesn’t guarantee an Eras-like hit. The problem is in creating a personal connection.

Swift connects with her fans on an authentic level. She has built her reputation over many years. The idea of replacing her with an actor who “visualizes” an AI tune may be a bridge too far for fans. At least, that’s what I’m hoping.

Could AI try to replicate the success of Taylor Swift?

The Question of Long-Term Success

The scenario above may seem ridiculous. But it’s significantly cheaper than paying an artist. And that’s the worry. Companies will be enticed by the possibilities. And they won’t need to work at the scale of a knockoff Taylor Swift.

A website owner may decide that they can get by without a developer. An ad agency might trust DALL·E to do the work of a graphic designer. Anyone capable of writing a prompt could do this work.

The quality of the work is another matter. After all, it was relatively easy for humans to pick apart the Sports Illustrated articles. Search engines will probably do the same. Why should Google reward such laziness?

Now, back to our industry. I’ve opined before about AI’s impact on web designers. I believe that people will try all manner of ways to save money. But a great website still requires a human touch.

We may see a cycle similar to that of DIY website builders. People will try them. Some will be dissatisfied with the results. That’s when they’ll seek out a professional. I think the same is possible with AI.

AI tools will surely improve. But are they reliable enough for long-term success? That may be the defining question of this era (see what I did there?)

AI tools may not provide the same level of quality.

The Acceptance and Expectations for AI

How or if AI replaces creative professionals may come down to our acceptance and expectations. That goes for both decision-makers and the public.

The latter may inform the former. If the public consumes AI-generated content without complaint, AI will spread like wildfire. Companies will continue to test the boundaries.

But what if conversions and SEO rankings start to plummet? We’ll likely see a change in course.

Much may depend on where AI shows up. Consumers may not blink at “disposable” content like Sports Illustrated generated. But they may demand higher quality from journalistic content.

Expectations also play a role for companies. Will they consider an AI-generated website good enough? Or will they prefer the attention to detail of human designers?

We’re still early in the game. The answers will determine the impact on how creative professionals are valued.

Public acceptance of AI-generated content will determine its future.

Where Is This All Headed?

I’m betting that AI will become a foundation for many types of projects. Perhaps it seizes the low end of the market. For example, it could spell trouble for those building fast and cheap websites.

But it doesn’t signal the end for skilled humans. Talented people will continue to thrive.

It does feel like a period of adjustment, though. Thus, any feelings of unease are understandable.

I don’t have all the answers. But I hope that continuing to learn and grow will help. In the end, maybe that’s all we can do. Prove our worth time and again.

Meanwhile, we can watch as AI evolves and brings chaos to multiple industries.

The post Will Replacing Creative Professionals with AI Backfire? appeared first on Speckyboy Design Magazine.

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