Speckyboy Author

Emma Davies (4 Articles)

Emma Davies is an unashamed geek for all things web and print and is taking her knowledge of effective web copy, flexible design and baked goods to branch out in a creative partnership as originalbiscuit.co.uk.
Are Newsletters On Their Way Out?

Are Newsletters On Their Way Out?

Where I work, we send out newsletters once a month and are just beginning to review all our digital and traditional communication channels. I felt that newsletters were no longer…

How Many Colors Are There?

How Many Colors Are There?

Colour. It’s something that we all use in our web or print work and finding the right colour to highlight, emphasise and stand out from the crowd can be easier…

Is a Design House-Style Really Necessary?

Is a Design House-Style Really Necessary?

In my previous post I mentioned that I was currently developing a website and as part of those developments I wanted to look at introducing a house-style. It seemed like…

When a CMS becomes Restrictive

When a CMS becomes Restrictive