6 Helpful Facebook Groups for WordPress Developers


Part of what makes working with WordPress so much fun is that you get much more than a free, open source CMS. You also become part of a tremendously welcoming and helpful community. Information regarding just about any aspect of the software you want to learn is most likely available for free. And when you have questions or run into trouble, there’s a good chance that someone out there is willing to help.

It’s no surprise, then, that Facebook is home to some outstanding groups dedicated to WordPress in one way or another. Some are quite general in nature, while others cater to a specific niche. Here are six groups you’ll want to check out, depending on how you use WordPress.

Advanced WordPress

The Advanced WordPress group is one of the most interesting out there. It boasts over 30,000 members, and the list includes some of the most influential names in the world of WordPress. Like the other groups on this list, membership is closed – meaning a moderator has to approve your request to join.

Posts are also subject to moderator approval, which helps to keep the content relevant. And, as its name suggests, you’ll find some very advanced discussions regarding code, design and WordPress features. But don’t let that stop you from requesting membership. You don’t need to be a hardcore developer in order to learn something useful.

Advanced WordPress

WordPress Freelancers

This is a small group focused on the business aspects of being a freelancer who uses WordPress. Topics of discussion are more related to tools, services and business practices – so don’t expect any sort of technical support.

But you will have a chance to connect with others who work in a similar space and are willing to share their experiences. You might just find a tried-and-true way to help boost your business.

WordPress Freelancers

WordPress Security

It’s critically important to stay on top of the latest security issues, as they affect all of us. Within WordPress Security, you’ll find links regarding all manner of vulnerabilities. The discussion can also be quite riveting and useful, as members often seek advice on issues they are facing.

This is a great resource for security issues and to see how other pros are dealing with them. When it comes to this topic, there’s never a shortage of content to digest.

WordPress Security

WooCommerce Help & Share

With over 4 million active installations, WooCommerce is among the most popular WordPress plugins out there. And it also has to be one of the most oft-discussed, as well. If you’re using Woo, you’ll want to check out this group.

Members frequently post regarding technical issues, advice on WooCommerce extensions and all sorts of questions about selling online. Chances are, if you want some solid advice on Woo, someone here can point you in the right direction.

WooCommerce Help & Share

WordPress Plugin Suggestions

With the overwhelming amount of WordPress plugins available, it can be difficult to sift through them to find the perfect match for your project. WordPress Plugin Suggestions is a 12,000+ member group that exists to turn you on to the best plugins.

It’s as simple as posting the type of functionality or use you have in mind. Odds are, you’ll get a helpful suggestion or three of plugins that can get the job done.

WordPress Plugin Suggestions

WordPress ACF Users

This group caters to users of Advanced Custom Fields, a powerful plugin that enables you to highly-customize your site. Here you’ll find answers to some common issues faced by developers and a lot of technical discussion.

While a lot of the topics lean towards the advanced, novices can pick up quite a bit of useful advice.

WordPress ACF Users

Come Together

There is no shortage of great WordPress resources out there. But the beauty of the Facebook groups above is that they are very much an interactive experience. Depending on the group you join, you may even rub virtual elbows with the developer of your favorite theme or plugin.

Even better is that you have the opportunity to learn something directly from other experienced web professionals. And you might just find that you have some knowledge that can help someone else, as well.

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