JavaScript Plugins on Speckyboy Design Magazine Resources & Inspiration for Creatives Tue, 11 Feb 2025 08:16:32 +0000 en-US hourly 1 JavaScript Plugins on Speckyboy Design Magazine 32 32 10 Open-Source JavaScript Data Chart Libraries Worth Considering Tue, 08 Oct 2024 06:15:53 +0000 The following open-source JavaScript resources are perfect for any developer that need to build chart-based data for their websites.

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The beauty of modern web design can be found in the widespread advancement of visual and dynamic effects. CSS3 took the design world to another level with independent animation properties. But digging even further, you’ll notice that open-source code has revolutionized the process of creating and using such a code library.

There’s no doubt that JavaScript is the king of front-end scripting. It’s a fascinating language to create visual effects without any need for backend programming. This is why JavaScript is a natural choice for creating big data charts, graphs, tables, or dynamic interfaces.

The following resources are perfect for any developer that need to build chart-based data for their website(s). Data libraries are often quite detailed, with lots of extra methods and parameters. But as you practice coding and learn JavaScript, setting up a new data chart will become like second nature.


HTML5 is the future of layout rendering and Chart.js is here to usher data charts into that future. Chart.js is perhaps the classic open source library for generating any type of data chart, graph, or visualization element.

Everything is rendered using HTML5 with the added benefit of a canvas element for dynamic effects. Graphs rendered onto an HTML5 canvas allow for hover tooltips and click events to access more information about charted data. The various options range from pie charts, bar charts, radar charts, line charts, and other more advanced styles.

Chart.js javascript chart library framework


jqPlot renders content as static images which are embedded dynamically. This means chart data can be updated via Ajax without even refreshing the page. Some chart types even have hover options which display related data on hover.

Although there are dozens of various chart styles, the default chart themes are somewhat bland. jqPlot will require a little TLC to get it working nicely into your layout – but it’s certainly a great tool for rendering more complicated datasets.

jqPlot javascript chart library framework


Another personal favorite of mine is the Chartist.js library. The homepage itself is simply brilliant and very easy to navigate. This means it’s easy to skim the documentation to find answers for setup and customization.

Each chart type is fully responsive and highly customizable from sizes to color schemes. Chartist relies on SVG to render graphs as images onto the page dynamically. There are fallback options for older browsers. However, the more modern versions will support all the great features like data animation.

Chartist.js javascript chart library framework


Don’t let the name fool you on this one. Although HighchartTable may seem like it’s meant for displaying HTML tables, it’s actually a plugin which converts tabular data into graphs.

This is a jQuery plugin which is also based off another library named Highcharts. In order to get HighchartTable to function you’ll first need to include the two dependencies(both of which are free). Then you can setup an HTML table and convert the design into a fully-fledged chart. Take a peek at some of the live demos to see how the plugin works.

HighchartTable javascript chart library framework


xCharts is meant for more advanced users that are familiar with data visualization. This plugin is based off the D3.js library for rendering in-page graphics and dynamic visuals.

Everything rendered through xCharts is adaptable and malleable. It’s easy to add your own animations or easing functions when interacting with the data. Everything is written using plain JavaScript with array values for the content. The xChart examples page has loads of samples with live easing effects.

xCharts javascript chart library framework


The open source C3.js library is based on the D3.js library. It’s meant to simplify the process of rendering data charts onto an HTML page without requiring a whole lot of custom D3 chart code.

All of the data is fully dynamic and customizable, from tooltips to graph colors. The best part is that C3.js builds on top of the D3.js library, so it’s easier for new developers to comprehend.

C3.js javascript chart library framework

Pizza Pie Charts

Pizza Pie Charts is a well-known JavaScript library built by ZURB for rendering SVG-based pie charts. All of the various display settings and options can be modified directly in CSS or JavaScript.

Zurb is a trusted source for great code, so you know the library is of the highest quality. The only distinction is that Pizza Pie Charts is really best for rendering data into pie charts. Other chart styles would best be found in another library.

Pizza Pie Charts javascript chart library framework


With a simple name like Flot you might expect this plugin to have some negligible features. But surprisingly Flot for jQuery is a minimal yet diverse plugin for data visualization.

The primary benefit of using Flot is the capability of creating animated plotting diagrams. This way, you can have data move through a stream representing large groups of various results. Those who want to grasp the potential of Flot may enjoy perusing the examples directory.

Flot javascript chart library framework


Developers that are still familiarizing themselves with JavaScript can benefit from a library such as Dygraphs. The initialization code is relatively simple and it doesn’t take a lot of effort to get your first graph onto a webpage.

This library can handle enormous datasets plotting on a variety of graphs. Mobile devices also support interactivity through pinch & zoom display effects. If you wish to plot data with JavaScript, then Dygraphs is a wonderful library for getting started without any dependencies.

Dygraphs javascript chart library framework


No Longer Under Active Development

Advanced visualizations require a lot more in the realm of data processing. Protovis is definitely one of the more complex data chart libraries. You’ll really want to have a decent grasp of JavaScript before tackling a project with this script.

However, Protovis does have the capability of rendering exceptionally unique chart styles. The examples page is full of both conventional and customized chart demonstrations. Data organization ranges from simple pie charts to networks, tree diagrams, and even full-scale maps.

These chart libraries should be more than enough for the average web developer. Regardless of your skill level, there is always a solution for every developer, from the complete newcomer up to the wise old master.

And best of all, web standards will continue to gain support for even greater methods of data visualization and user interactivity.

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10 Free WordPress Plugins for Adding jQuery Effects to Your Site Wed, 02 Oct 2024 00:13:01 +0000 For a simple way of adding various jQuery effects or functionality to your site, these outstanding free WordPress plugins are up to the task.

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jQuery is an incredibly popular JavaScript library – and for good reason. It’s powerful, fast and is supported by a multitude of web browsers. In fact, WordPress comes bundled with a version of jQuery to provide functionality and allow developers an easy way to tap in.

If you’re looking for a super-easy way to implement various jQuery effects or functionality, there are some outstanding WordPress plugins that are up to the task. Here are ten freebies that will help you to harness the power of jQuery – all without the need for writing JavaScript.

jQuery Updater

The version of jQuery that comes with WordPress is not the latest and greatest. In fact, it tends to be quite a bit behind the jQuery project itself.

If you don’t need the backward compatibility of the older versions, jQuery Updater will install the latest stable release on your website. Should you run into problems, deactivating the plugin will put things back the way they were.

jQuery Updater

Date Picker by Input WP

Date Picker works in tandem with other plugins to convert a standard text input into a jQuery-powered, date-based suite of fields. Choose between a standard date picker, time picker, date ranges, and more. Plus, you can block out dates, making it suitable for use with a booking form.

The free version integrates with Contact Form 7 and Divi, while going pro adds compatibility with Gravity Forms and Ninja Forms.

Date Picker by Input WP

Q2W3 Fixed Widget for WordPress

Fixed-position widgets are great for keeping information in front of your site’s visitors. Items like shopping carts, navigation and banner ads will stay in view, even as a user scrolls. Q2W3 Fixed Widget for WordPress makes it easy to make any widget a “sticky” one, courtesy of jQuery.

Install the plugin, activate it, click into a widget and select the “Fixed Widget” option.

Q2W3 Fixed Widget for WordPress

FancyBox for WordPress

Web designers have long used Fancybox jQuery lightbox to add both utility and interactivity to images. The FancyBox for WordPress plugin makes it easy to integrate this tool into your website.

Any thumbnail linked to an image will automatically load in an attractive lightbox when clicked. In addition, you can customize the look and special effects via a back-end settings panel.

FancyBox for WordPress

Smooth Scroll Page Up/Down Buttons

Add smooth scrolling effects in the form of handy up and down buttons. Click a button and it will scroll the current page (smoothly, of course) to the next or previous page/section. There’s also an optional “back to top” button.

Smooth Scroll Page Up/Down Buttons

JQuery Validation for Contact Form 7

This plugin adds jQuery form validation to the popular Contact Form 7. Easily validate the content of form fields including URLs, email addresses, dates, numbers and more.

JQuery Validation for Contact Form 7

jQuery Post Splitter

jQuery Post Splitter takes the ability of WordPress to split up large posts into multiple pages and turns it into a unique slider. So, instead of having to click on pagination and manually load in subsequent pages, the plugin uses jQuery and Ajax to quickly load in new slides of content.

It’s a much smoother and more seamless way to navigate through a long multi-part post.

jQuery Post Splitter

Rotating Tweets

The standard Twitter Widget isn’t very flexible. Rotating Tweets brings a bit of jQuery to the fold by allowing your latest tweets to show one at a time in an animated rotation. You can display tweets as a widget or use a WordPress Shortcode.

Rotating Tweets

Tabs Responsive

Easily add tabbed content within your WordPress posts and pages using a drag and drop interface. Tabs can be created within a page, post or widget. Horizontal and vertical layouts are available. Tabs Responsive also includes support for Font Awesome icons as well.

Tabs Responsive

Equal Height Columns

Using a tiny, 8kb jQuery script, Equal Height Columns uses our spotlighted JS library to solve a web designer’s pet-peeve. Tell the plugin the targeted selectors and it does the rest. The plugin is also responsive, so you can have your fancy equally-tall columns on mobile devices, too.

Equal Height Columns

All That’s Good: Brought to you by jQuery

A quick search around the WordPress Plugin Repository for jQuery brings up quite a volume of results.

It shows how popular, stable, and trusted the venerable library has become. So, whether you’re looking to add special effects like animation or some advanced functionality, chances are there is a WordPress plugin using jQuery to help you achieve your goals.

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The 50 Most Useful jQuery Plugins for Frontend Development Sun, 15 Sep 2024 08:08:31 +0000 An extensive collection of lightweight yet powerful, free jQuery plugins that cover almost every functionality you can think of.

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Although there are many JavaScript frameworks available, jQuery has remained the most popular and influential in web design and development.

Its main purpose is to simplify the process of writing complex JavaScript functions by bundling them into methods that can be called with just one line of code. This makes it lightweight and easy to extend with free plugins for almost any functionality you can think of.

However, using jQuery also comes with some potential downsides, such as performance issues, added overhead, a learning curve, specific version dependencies, and compatibility with newer technologies.

Despite these drawbacks, jQuery can still be incredibly useful for legacy systems or specific projects, and it remains a popular choice for many developers. In fact, there are a vast number of jQuery plugins available that can help improve the functionality of your website or application.

In this collection, we share some of our favorite jQuery plugins that we believe can help take your web development projects to the next level.

jQuery Plugins for Layouts


pagePiling.js is a jQuery plugin for ‘piling’ your layout sections over one another and accessing them by scrolling.

pagePiling.js jQuery plugin for 'piling' your sections over  one another and accessing them by scrolling


fullPage.js is a simple plugin for creating fullscreen scrolling websites.

fullPage.js fullscreen scrolling websites jQuery plugin


gridscrolling.js is a plugin for positioning sections and asides in a grid & allowing for easy cursor key navigation.

gridscrolling.js jQuery plugin A layout for positioning sections and asides in a grid & allowing for easy cursor key navigation


Flickerplate is a responsive, touch-enabled and lightweight plugin that allows you to ‘flick’ through content.

Flickerplate responsive touch-enabled lightweight flick content


jInvertScroll is a lightweight plugin that allows you to move horizontally with a parallax effect while scrolling down.

jInvertScroll lightweight plugin horizontal parallax effect


Animsition is a simple plugin for adding page transitions with CSS animations.

Animsition - A simple jQuery plugin for adding page transitions with CSS animations

Brick Work

Brick Work is a lightweight (15kb) and feature-rich plugin for creating responsive dynamic layouts.

Brick Work is a lightweight (15kb) and feature-rich jQuery plugin for creating responsive dynamic layouts


ScrollMe is a lightweight plugin that allows you to add simple scrolling effects to webpages.

ScrollMe is a lightweight jQuery plugin that will allow you to add simple scrolling effects to web pages


jquery.smoothState.js is a plugin that progressively enhances pages to behave more like a single-page application.

jquery.smoothState.js - A jQuery plugin that progressively enhances pages to behave more like a single-page application


multiscroll.js is a simple plugin for creating multi-scrolling websites with two vertical scrolling panels.

multiscroll.js is a simple jQuery plugin for creating multi scrolling websites in this weeks designer news


matchHeight.js is a more robust equal heights plugin for jQuery.

jquery.matchHeight.js is a more robust equal heights plugin for jQuery frontend

jQuery Navigation & Menu Plugins


Slidebars is a lightweight (2kb) plugin for creating an app-style push-menu.

Slidebars frontend app-style push-menu jquery plugins


scotchPanels.js is a jQuery off-canvas menu and panel plugin.

scotchPanels.js a jQuery off canvas menu and panel plugin

jQuery Image & Video Plugins


Focuspoint is a plugin for dynamically cropping images to fill the available space without cutting out the image’s subject.

Focuspoint jQuery plugin for responsive cropping


Fluidbox is a replication of the lightbox module, with some added improvements.

Fluidbox frontend Medium lightbox module jquery plugins


GifPlayer is a small plugin that allows you to control when to play and stop animated GIFs.

GifPlayer plugin control play and stop animated gifs jquery


rowGrid.js is a plugin for placing images on a grid with support for infinite scrolling.

rowGrid.js images grid infinte scrolling frontend jquery plugins


SVGMagic is a simple SVG fallback plugin that finds SVG images on your site and creates PNG versions if the browser doesn’t support them.

SVGMagic simple SVG fallback jquery plugin

Vide jQuery

Vide is a jQuery plugin for quickly adding video backgrounds to your webpages.

Vide - easy as hell jQuery plugin for video backgrounds


Dense.js is a plugin for easily serving retina-ready images.

Dense.js - A jQuery plugin for easily serving retina-ready images


Covervid is a simple plugin that will allow you to make HTML5 video behave like a background image.

Covervid is a simple jQuery plugin that will allow you to make your HTML5 video behave like a background image


jQuery-Cropbox is a handy plugin for in-place image cropping (zoom & pan, as opposed to select and drag).

jQuery-Cropbox image cropping frontend jquery plugins

Face Detection

Face Detection is a powerful jQuery/Zepto plugin that detects faces on images, videos, and canvases.

Face Detection - A powerful jQuery/Zepto plugin that detects faces on images, videos and canvases


BttrLazyLoading is a plugin that allows your web app to only load images within the viewport as the user scrolls.

BttrLazyLoading load images viewport scrolls plugin

jQuery Slider, Carousel & Gallery Plugins

Simple jQuery Slider

Simple jQuery Slider is a lightweight jQuery Slider that does precisely what a slider should do: ‘slide slides..

uper-simple and lightweight jQuery Slider


FSVS is a simple fullscreen vertical slider using CSS3 transitions with jQuery fallback.

FSVS simple fullscreen vertical slider using CSS3 transitions with jQuery fallback


anoFlow is a feature-rich and responsive lightbox/gallery plugin.

anoFlow feature-rich responsive lightbox gallery plugin


nanoGALLERY is a responsive, touch-enabled and easy-to-use image gallery plugin.

nanoGALLERY responsive touch-enabled easy to use image gallery plugin jquery


Justified.js is a plugin that creates a justified image grid of images.

Justified.js - A jQuery plugin that creates a justified image grid of images

Shuffle Images

Shuffle Images is a jQuery plugin that allows you to display and shuffle multiple images within a gallery by moving or shaking the cursor.

Shuffle Images plugin that allows you to display and shuffle multiple images within a gallery


Skippr is a super simple and lightweight slideshow plugin for jQuery.

Skippr is a super simple and lightweight slideshow plugin for jQuery

jQuery Text Effect Plugins


fontFlex.js is a lightweight plugin for dynamically changing font sizes.

jQuery.fontFlex.js lightweight jQuery extension for dynamically changing font sizes


t.js is a lightweight jQuery plugin for typewriter-like text effects.

t.js lightweight jQuery plugin for typewriter-like text effects


Morphext – An Animate.css powered jQuery carousel plugin for text phrases.

Powered by Animate.css Morphext is a simple jQuery carousel plugin for text phrases


Splitchar is a jQuery plugin that allows you to style and design the first, second or both halves of a character.

Splitchar is a jQuery plugin that allows you to style and design the first, second or both halves of a character in this weeks designer news

jQuery Form Element Plugins


BootstrapValidator is a jQuery plugin for validating Bootstrap forms.

BootstrapValidator - A jQuery plugin for validating Bootstrap forms


Labelauty – An excellent and lightweight jQuery plugin that gives beauty to checkboxes and radio buttons.

Labelauty - A nice and lightweight jQuery plugin that gives beauty to checkboxes and radio buttons


Guardian is a flexible and easy-to-extend all-purpose form validation jQuery plugin.

Guardian flexible and easy to extend all-purpose form validation jQuery plugin


fontIconPicker is a lightweight plugin that allows you to include a simple icon picker (with search and pagination) within any form.

fontIconPicker lightweight plugin simple icon picker


HideSeek is a simple yet customizable jQuery plugin for live search.

HideSeek customizable jQuery plugin for live search


ClockPicker is a clock-style timepicker for jQuery or Bootstrap.

ClockPicker is a clock-style timepicker for either Bootstrap or jQuery

jQuery Utility Plugins

jQuery Confirm Mailto

jQuery Confirm Mailto is a plugin to Confirm with users before opening any mailto: link through their default email client.

jQuery Confirm Mailto jQuery plugin to confirm before opening mailto links


jNottery is a plugin that allows you to add notes to a page.

jNottery jQuery plugin that allows you to add notes to a web page

Responsive Tabs

Responsive Tabs is a plugin that offers responsive tab functionality.

Responsive Tabs A jQuery plugin that offers responsive tab functionality


adaptive-backgrounds.js is a fantastic plugin that extracts the dominant color from the images on your web page and applies the color to their parent.

extracts the dominant color from the images on your web page and magically applies the color to their parent jquery plugins

…and finally…


Planetarium is a jQuery plugin that allows you to construct interactive planets and build the Universe.

jQuery.planetarium Construct interactive planets and build the Universe


table-dragger allows you to easily add drag-and-drop sorting to your table without jQuery.



Selector is a micro JavaScript library used as a replacement for jQuery, weighing in at nearly 5KB.



jquery.wanker.js is a humourous jQuery plugin that reveals a public service announcement when people start excessively resizing their desktop browser as they try to see your responsive breakpoints. As they say, ‘The web is meant to be read, not squished!.

jquery.wanker.js frontend jquery plugins

More jQuery Plugins

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15 Form Validation jQuery Plugins & Libraries Sun, 17 Sep 2023 09:33:57 +0000 We have a selection of form validation jQuery plugins and libraries that will make your life a lot easier while building HTML forms.

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Form validation can be daunting for developers, but it’s a crucial part of building a functional and user-friendly website or application. Fortunately, various form validation jQuery plugins and libraries are available that can simplify the process and save you time and effort.

In this article, we’ve curated a selection of powerful, reliable, and easy-to-use form validation plugins that can make your life much easier. Whether you’re building a simple contact form or a complex multi-step checkout process, these plugins offer a range of features and customization options to fit your specific needs.

So, if you’re tired of struggling with form validation, check out these plugins and libraries and see how they can streamline your workflow and improve the user experience on your website or application.


Parsley.js is a lightweight and feature-rich form validation library that offers a unique approach to form validation. Instead of validating forms with JavaScript, it uses data attributes embedded in the DOM to achieve the same function.

This makes it easy to configure and highly customizable, with the ability to override almost every default behavior to fit your specific form requirements.

Parsley.js form validation jquery plugin validating with Javascript data attributes embedded DOM function


QuickValidation.js is a form validation library that operates similarly to Parsley.js above. It uses a data-validate attribute in the input tag to assign validation rules, rather than defining them in the JavaScript code.

For example, you can string together rules like required,number, or range=0-99, and then add the .quickValidate class and a data-name attribute to name your field for errors.

quickValidation.js form validation jquery plugin

jQuery Ketchup Plugin

Ketchup is a lightweight form validation plugin that comes bundled with 18 basic validations and allows you to quickly write your own validations and override default behaviors. With a minified size of only 3.4KB, it’s a lightweight plugin for validating your forms.

The plugin checks a form field’s data-validate attribute by default to find matching validations. Validations are separated by commas and can be grouped together within a single validate() indicator. Additionally, validations can have arguments, which are also separated by commas.

jQuery Validation Plugin

jQuery Validation is a user-friendly plugin that simplifies client-side form validation. With a “drop-in” installation process, it’s easy to use the plugin on your website or application. The plugin comes bundled with a useful set of validation methods and provides an API to allow for custom validations.

To use the plugin, you simply need to add a single line of jQuery to select the form and apply the plugin, along with annotations on each element to specify the validation rules. This makes it quick and easy to implement form validation and ensure that user input is accurate and complete.

jQuery Validation drop-in jquery plugin clientside form validation very easy

IV.js – Javascript Input Validation

IV.js is a jQuery library that simplifies the process of validating user input and working with validation filters. To use IV.js, simply add the IValidate class to your form, and you’re ready to start validating user input.

IV.js jQuery library provides intuitive work validation filters processing user inputs


The FormValidation library offers extensive support for various input types and validation rules, such as required fields, email validation, phone number validation, credit card validation, and more. The library also provides real-time feedback to users while they are filling out the form, indicating whether their input is valid or not.

It also provides seamless integrations with popular front-end frameworks such as Bootstrap, Foundation, Materialize, and Semantic UI. This integration feature ensures consistency in user interfaces and makes it easy for developers to add the form validation library to their existing codebase.

BootstrapValidator jQuery plugin validating Bootstrap forms


Guardian is a versatile jQuery plugin designed to provide robust and customizable form validation. It offers flexibility and extensibility, allowing developers to tailor the validation rules to meet specific project needs.

Guardian flexible and easy to extend all-purpose form validation jQuery plugin


Validatr is a powerful JavaScript library that leverages HTML5 input attributes to provide comprehensive form validation. It supports various input types, including color, date, email, number, and range, and provides flexible validation rules for the input types text, checkbox, and radio.

The library uses native validation wherever possible, using Modernizr to test for browser support. When a specific input type is not natively supported, Validatr uses its own ruleset to supplement the validation process. Regardless of the input type, the validation message is displayed to the user, providing clear feedback on any validation errors.

Validatr HTML5 input attributes perform validation


Formance.js a powerful library that provides formatting and validation for form fields, inspired by the popular jQuery.payment library from Stripe. The library is designed to offer comprehensive support for various input types and validation rules, ensuring a smooth and reliable user experience.

While client-side validation can be bypassed, it still plays an essential role in enhancing the user experience. With this library, you can take advantage of client-side validation to improve the quality of user inputs and reduce the number of errors submitted.

Fields.js jquery library formatting validating form fields

jQuery Validate

jQuery Validate is a versatile jQuery plugin designed to make form validation easy and efficient using data attributes. With this plugin, developers can easily set up validation rules for various form inputs, including required fields, email addresses, phone numbers, and more.

jQuery Validate jQuery plugin helps accomplish easy quick form validation using data attributes

jQuery Form Validate

jQuery Form Validate is a powerful jQuery plugin designed to simplify and streamline the form validation process. With this plugin, developers can quickly and easily validate HTML forms by utilizing HTML5 data attributes applied to each input.

jQuery Form Validate jQuery plugin validate HTML forms


One-Validation is a comprehensive library of regular expressions designed for general validation purposes. With this library, developers can easily validate various input types, including email addresses, phone numbers, URLs, and more, using the power of regular expressions.


Validarium is a simple and easy-to-use jQuery validation plugin that builds on the powerful jQuery Validate library. With Validarium, developers can quickly and efficiently validate form inputs using various validation rules, including required fields, email addresses, phone numbers, and more.

Validarium is a simple and straight-forward jQuery validation plugin

Validate Barebones Validation

Validate Barebones Validation is a powerful and versatile jQuery validation plugin designed to provide a customizable and extendable solution for form validation. As the name suggests, this plugin offers a barebones framework for developers to build upon, allowing for maximum flexibility and customization.

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10 Free Open-Source Date Picker JavaScript Plugins Sat, 09 Sep 2023 08:32:54 +0000 Vanilla JavaScript plugins, jQuery plugins, and even extensions for Bootstrap for adding date pickers to your HTML forms.

The post 10 Free Open-Source Date Picker JavaScript Plugins appeared first on Speckyboy Design Magazine.

Select menus are a common choice for date pickers since they’re easy to set up. However, after years of using MM/DD/YY menus, users deserve a more intuitive and user-friendly solution.

Fortunately, there are many free date picker plugins available that can enhance the user experience and make it easier to pick dates. Adding a date picker to your form is a straightforward process, and once you learn how to do it, you’ll never go back. That’s why we’ve scoured the web to find the best date picker plugins and compiled them all in one post for your convenience.

In this collection, you’ll find a variety of plugins, including vanilla JS plugins, jQuery plugins, and extensions for popular frameworks like The 40 Best Free Bootstrap 5 Templates & Themes for 2023Bootstrap. No matter your needs, we’re confident you’ll find a plugin that works for you. With these plugins, you can improve your users’ experience and make it easier for them to select dates on your website or application.

1. Flatpickr

The lightweight Flatpickr plugin is easy to use and even easier to setup. It’s designed with simplicity, so the default UI should blend into any layout. If you take a peek at the examples page, you’ll notice this date picker isn’t very complex. But that’s often what users want: a simple interface to input data and move on.

With Flatpickr, you can customize the initial date, month, and year along with restrictions on which date(s) can be picked. Plus, you can add an optional time parameter using the 12H or 24H clock. This is undoubtedly one of the better date picker plugins for its design, UX, and features.

flatpickr plugin

2. Pickadate.js

Another choice I really like is the Pickadate.js plugin. This is designed to be mobile-friendly and fully responsive, so it’s a great solution for all devices.

Pickadate runs on jQuery, so you need that library as a dependency. However, this file is pretty lightweight, and it doesn’t take much to get it working, so even with jQuery, you shouldn’t notice any page lags. This offers a date and a time selection menu, so it’s a fully-featured option no matter what data you’re collecting.

pickadate js plugin

3. Date Range Picker

Input range pickers are extremely common with scheduling programs and visual data applications. For example, Google Analytics uses its own date range picker for visitor data over a specific website.

To recreate this effect try the Date Range Picker. It’s designed to fit into Bootstrap’s CSS stylesheet but can also be used solo. Plus, it supports multi-month pickers, single-month pickers, and pre-defined values for common date ranges(past week, past month, etc.).

date range picker plugin

4. Datepair.js

To use something a little simpler for range selection, try Datepair.js. This relies on dual input fields for selecting the starting date & ending date of a range. It can also include time ranges based on your settings and how you configure the plugin.

Is this better than a single date picker UI? That’s up to you(or your client) to decide. But this is a simple plugin to set up, and your visitors may prefer the single field inputs.

daterange js plugin

5. DateTimePicker

Here’s one of the more unique plugins with quite an abnormal interface. The DateTimePicker plugin has its own responsive dropdown menu that lets the user select their date/time using plus & minus icons.

On the one hand, this is easier to jump around and quickly change the month/year with a few taps. But it’s also not the typical calendar UI, so it may take some adjusting from users who aren’t familiar with this interface.

There are pros & cons to everything, so I say take a peek at the plugin and see what you think. This does support separate date & time inputs, but you can also combine them, making datetime selection just one click away.

datetime picker plugin

6. glDatePicker

For a detailed design and tons of optional features, check out the glDatePicker plugin. Considering how much you get, it’s fairly lightweight and measures about 7KB when minified. This runs on top of jQuery, so you must also consider that. But it’s one of the few plugins that offer gorgeous theming for calendar date selection screens.

It has a few pre-designed templates but also has CSS properties that you can restyle yourself. Not to mention all the JS functions have callbacks, so if you’re comfortable with coding, you can add your own features into the mix.

gldatepicker plugin

7. Wickedpicker

While this isn’t technically a date picker, it is one of the better time pickers out there. Wickedpicker is a jQuery-powered time selection plugin that works on any input field. It supports user input for hours/minutes and the AM/PM setting. You can also run it on a 24h clock with a simple JS option.

Some date picker plugins have time selection, but it comes as an extra feature. This plugin is designed solely for time inputs, so it’s a nice choice if that’s all you need.

wickedpicker plugin

8. Bootstrap Datepicker

Anyone familiar with Bootstrap knows just how useful it is for new projects. If you’re frequently designing sites on Bootstrap, then you should keep this Bootstrap Datepicker saved.

The design includes a section for changing the month & year along with a time selector for altering minutes/hours in your date picker. It blends perfectly into the BS GUI, so it’s undoubtedly a staple for anyone using Bootstrap.

bootstrap datepicker plugin

9. Foundation Datepicker

Another popular frontend framework is Foundation, and if you’re more into that library, you should check out this Foundation datepicker also 100% free. It also comes with a time picker and options to include the time inside the date selection screen. You can even define dates based on fixed settings(i.e., only certain dates are available) and limit those dates to certain times.

You can even restyle the time input with fixed choices like 15-minute intervals. You can do a lot with this plugin, so it’s a great addition to any Foundation website.

foundation datepicker plugin

10. FoxRunSoftware DatePicker

This is one of the top plugins on GitHub for jQuery date pickers. It’s simply titled “DatePicker” but to distinguish it from the rest, it’s the plugin designed by FoxRunSoftware.

It comes with a clean interface, and by default, it uses a 3-month GUI window for date selection. This feels just like the Google Analytics picker, except it’s a bit smaller. The callbacks are pretty simple to code, and you have a lot of control over how to manage the UX. Certainly a date picker worth saving if you want to replicate the Analytics GUI.

datepicker plugin

11. jQ Datepicker

Here’s one more date picker plugin with the simple title of Datepicker. Again it runs on jQuery, but this one’s designed by a Chinese developer Fengyuan Chen. This Datepicker plugin is phenomenal, and it has a ton of documentation for newer JS developers.

The main demo page is great for toying around, but check out the GitHub repo if you want to get this plugin setup & running on your website.

jquery datepicker free plugin

And if you’re ever looking for more date-picker plugins, try searching GitHub. Web developers release new plugins all the time, so you never know what you’ll find.

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20 Free jQuery Typography & Text Effect Plugins Sat, 10 Sep 2022 11:46:18 +0000 A collection of web typography and text effect jQuery plugins that will give you better control over and animate your web typography.

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This collection includes a diverse range of feature-rich jQuery typography and text effect plugins designed to help you take your web typography to the next level. With these plugins, you can gain greater control over the positioning and resizing of each letter, enabling you to create unique and visually stunning typography.

In addition to typography control, the collection also features several jQuery plugins for animating your text, controlling responsive type, and recreating some fantastic text effects that are typically only achievable using motion editors.

Whether you’re looking to add subtle typography effects or create complex text animations, these plugins provide a wide range of options to help you achieve your design goals. With their intuitive interfaces and robust feature sets, these jQuery plugins are valuable resources for developers and designers looking to enhance the visual appeal of their web typography.


FlowType.js lets you configure font-size and line-height ratios of your typography, helping you improve their overall appeal. You can also specify maximum and minimum width thresholds to control FlowType.js.

FlowType.js jquery plugin configure font-size line-height ratios typography


Squishy is a useful plugin that will automatically resize your text to fit precisely into the container (with no extra work on your part). It comes with a series of options so that you can control the “squishiness”: maxSize, minSize, maxWidth, and minWidth.

Squishy useful plugin automatically resize your text fit exactly container


slabText is a plugin that will help you create those big, bold, and responsive headlines that are very popular at the moment. The script splits your headlines into rows and then resizes each row to fill the available horizontal space.

slabText plugin create big bold responsive headlines


Similar in functionality to Squishy above, FitText will allow you to have scalable headlines on your responsive layout that will fill the width of the parent element.

FitText scalable headlines responsive layouts


TypeButter allows you to set optical kerning for any font on your website. It comes packaged with Arial, Georgia, Helvetica, Times, and Verdana, but if you need another font, you can add your own.

TypeButter set optical kerning font website


Hatchshow jQuery Typography Text Plugins

Animated Typography Plugins


Textillate.js is a fantastic plugin for applying amazing CSS3 animations to any block of text. You will also need lettering.js and animate.css to use this plugin.

Textillate.js fantastic plugin applying amazing CSS3 animations any block text


funnyText.js is a plugin that will allow you to create “funny and crazy moving” typography very quickly.

ffunnyText.js plugin create funny crazy moving typography


Lettering.js, similar in functionality to funnyText.js above, is a jQuery plugin that gives you complete down-to-the-letter control of your web type.

Lettering.js jQuery plugin complete letter control web type


Jumble is a plugin that will animate and “jumble” up the colors of your text headers. Choose a color range and set parameters for whether the shuffle is based on brightness or saturation hue.

Jumble plugin animate jumble colors text headers

Wrapping Text Plugins


CircleType.js is a plugin for setting type around a circle.

CircleType.js jQuery plugin setting type circle Typography Text


jQSlickWrap is a plugin that allows you to quickly and accurately wrap your text around the content of floated images.

jQSlickWrap plugin easily accurately wrap text around content floated images

Text Effects Plugins

No Vacancy

The simple novacancy.js plugin will give your text a fantastic text neon golden effect.

simple novacancy.js plugin text amazing text neon golden effect

Flipping Text

Flipping Text Text Effects jQuery Typography Text Plugins


This unique plugin will ‘antiquify’ your text. Randomly applied aberrations make text look like it came straight off an old, antique printing press.

Antiquify.js will antiquify your text jQuery Typography Text Plugins

…and finally…

jQuery Typography Troll

Typography Troll offers an easy way to confuse readers who try to distinguish which of several similar fonts you’re using (like Helvetica and Arial) by randomly assigning a font family to each character in the selected text.

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Top 50 Free JavaScript Plugins & Libraries Tue, 13 Jul 2021 07:05:38 +0000 The free JavaScript plugins and libraries on this page all offer a straightforward and specific function. There are no bloated all-in-one frameworks. Just useful, lightweight and problem-solving solutions to help...

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The free JavaScript plugins and libraries on this page all offer a straightforward and specific function. There are no bloated all-in-one frameworks. Just useful, lightweight and problem-solving solutions to help make the web design and development process much easier and quicker for you.

As you would expect, there are plugins below for creating sliders, image galleries, responsive menus, modal windows, and many other common components. But you will also find plugins that offer truly unique functionality, like sidebar margin notes, GIF previews, animated favicons, and much, much more.

You might also like to take a look at our collection of free jQuery plugins, or our collections of JavaScript Cheatsheets.


Textblock – A JavaScript tool for displaying continuously responsive typography.



Uppy – A sleek, modular file uploader that integrates with any website or app.



Tone.js – A framework for creating interactive music in the browser.



Editor.js – A free, next generation block editor app.



lax.js – A small, vanilla JavaScript plugin for creating smooth scrolling animations.



TypeIt – A JavaScript typing library that is billed as the “world’s most versatile”.



iro.js – A modern HSV color picker widget for JavaScript that uses SVG.



Cleave.js – A library for adding real-time formatting to form inputs.



Freezeframe.js – A library that pauses animated .gifs and enables them on hover, click or touch.



darkmode.js – Add a dark mode to your website with minimal effort.



Scene.js – A CSS and JavaScript timeline-based animation library.



Bun.js – Generate custom checkboxes and radio buttons with CSS.


Overlay Scrollbars

Overlay Scrollbars – A JavaScript plugin that hides native scroll bars and replaces them with custom-styled versions.

Overlay Scrollbars


MailtoUI – A script that adds a helpful UI component to standard email links.


FullScreen Slider

FullScreen Slider – Control page sections and enable navigation via mouse wheel and touch events.

FullScreen Slider


pagemap – Add a small “mini map” to your website that will provide users with navigational context.



Chart.xkcd – A library for creating charts with a hand-drawn look.



GPickr – An implementation of the Pickr color picker library that generates beautiful gradients.



Moveable – A JavaScript library that lets you move, resize, drag, rotate and more.



Cube.js – A complete open source analytics solution: visualization agnostic frontend SDKs and API backed by analytical server infrastructure.


simpleParallax – A tiny JavaScript library that adds parallax animation to any image.



Bounds.js – A script for asynchronous boundary detection that can be used for effects such as lazy loading.



Creepyface – A JavaScript library that makes your face “look” at the cursor, based on position.

Example from Creepyface


LegraJS – A library that enables you to draw with LEGO-like bricks. What will you build?

Example from LegraJS


Paged.js – is an open-source library for paginating content in the browser. Based on the W3C specifications, it’s a sort of polyfill for Paged Media and Generated Content for Paged Media CSS modules.


Focus Overlay

Focus Overlay – A library for creating overlays on focused elements. Beautiful design and better accessibility.

Focus Overlay


Flowy – A minimal JavaScript library you can use to create flowcharts.

Example from Flowy


Choreographer-js is a simple library to take care of complicated animations.
Choreographer-js free javascript


Leaflet.js is a JavaScript library for interactive maps.
Leaflet.js free javascript


Lory is a touch enabled minimalistic slider written in vanilla JavaScript.
Lory free javascript


CurrencyFormatter.js is a super simple currency formatting library (155 currencies & 7KB gzipped).
CurrencyFormatter.js free javascript


ARc (Atomic React) is a React app boilerplate with Atomic Design approach.
ARc free javascript


Shave.js is a modern JavaScript plugin for truncating text within an html element.
 free javascript


Next.js is a minimalistic framework for server-rendered React applications.
 free javascript


Blueprint is a collection of React UI components, covering common interface elements, patterns and interactions on the web.
Blueprint free javascript


baguetteBox.js is a simple and easy to use responsive image lightbox script with swipe gesture support on mobile devices. it has been written in pure JavaScript.

baguetteBox js simple easy lightbox script  multiple gallery swipe gesture support mobile devices pure JavaScript


The ScrollReveal plugin makes it super-easy to create web page scroll animations for both desktop and mobile browsers.

ScrollReveal Easily create scroll animations web mobile browsers

Loud Links

Loud Links is a lightweight JavaScript library for adding interaction sounds to your website. It does this by creating an HTML5 audio element and using it to play MP3 or OGG audio files.

Loud Links tiny JS library interaction sounds


Bricks.js is a ‘blazing fast’ masonry layout generator for fixed width elements.

Bricks.js blazing fast masonry layout generator for fixed width elements


Written using vanilla JavaScript, MediumEditor is a lightweight (28kb) WYSIWYG inline editor toolbar clone. There are also a selection of Mediumditor extensions and themes available.

vanilla JavaScript MediumEditor lightweight Medium WYSIWYG inline editor toolbar clone


Substance is a JavaScript library for web-based content editing. It gives you all of the tools you need for creating custom text editors and web-based publishing systems.

Substance JavaScript library for web-based content editing


List.js is a lightweight and fast vanilla JavaScript script that adds search, sort, filters and flexibility to lists, tables, or anything HTML.

List.js Lightweight fast vanilla JavaScript adds search sort filters and flexibility to HTML


Popper.js is a lightweight (4kb minified) library for managing poppers, tooltips and popovers. You can quickly and easily position tooltips with just a single line code.

Popper.js Kickass Library Manage Your Poppers Tooltips Popovers


InlineTweet.js allows you to easily create tweetable links out of any text on a webpage. All you have to do is wrap the tweetable text in a container with data-inline-tweet.


SweetAlert2 is a beautiful and customizable replacement for JavaScript's popup boxes.

SweetAlert2 beautiful customizable replacement for JavaScript Alert


Force.js is a JavaScript library that makes it simple to animate HTML elements and navigate around a web page.

Force.js easy way scroll animate your page


Push.js is a cross-browser solution for getting up and running with Javascript desktop notifications.


Bideo.js is a JavaScript library that makes it very easy to add fullscreen background videos to web pages.

Bideo.js Easy fullscreen HTML5 background video Web


Microlight.js is a lightweight code highlighting library, for any programming language, that greatly improves readability.

Microlight.js code highlighting library improves readability

Algolia Places

Algolia Places is an easy way to use an address search autocomplete JavaScript library on your website.

Algolia Places address search autocomplete JavaScript library


Written in vanilla JavaScript, flatpickr is lightweight datetimepicker and calendar solution.

flatpickr lightweight datetimepicker


anime.js is a flexible and lightweight JavaScript animation library. It works with CSS, Individual Transforms, SVG, DOM attributes and JS Objects.

anime.js flexible lightweight JavaScript animation library


Cleave.js is a plugin that formats your <input/> content while you type.

Cleave.js format input


Lightgallery.js is a fully featured JavaScript lightbox gallery with no dependencies.

Lightgallery.js JavaScript lightbox gallery

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The Best Open Source CSS & jQuery Image Captions Sat, 14 Nov 2020 09:57:53 +0000 A collection of CSS & JavaScript solutions for creating image captions. They vary in methods and purpose, but all are worth consideration.

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Image captions have been a staple of web development for years, typically created using the figure and figcaption elements along with CSS styles. Thanks to the open-source community, there are now even more plugins and starter scripts available to help developers create image captions in their own projects.

To help you get started, we’ve compiled a small collection of CSS and jQuery solutions for making HTML image captions. These solutions vary in their methods and purposes, but all are worth considering. Whether you’re using static HTML or a CMS like WordPress or Joomla, there’s sure to be a codebase that works for your needs.

We hope that this collection serves as a starting point for your research into image captions and helps you find the perfect solution for your own projects. With the right tools and techniques, you can create stunning image captions that enhance the overall visual appeal of your website or application.

CSS Image Captions

Creating image captions with CSS effects can be challenging, but these examples use properties and transition animations for seamless effects. They provide modern and customizable designs without the need for extensive coding knowledge. See how they can enhance your website’s visual appeal.


If you’re looking for a great CSS image caption library, label.css is one of the best options out there. With label.css, you can easily add class names to captioned images, which will then be updated in the HTML. You can position captions anywhere over the image, even in the corners, giving you full control over the layout.

One of the standout features of label.css is the ability to hide captions until the user hovers over an image. This can be especially useful when you want captions to display as static text on the page but also want to incorporate hidden animation effects for a more dynamic user experience.

label.css open source image labels CSS

Hongkiat Image Captions

One of the best things about the Hongkiat article on image captions is the variety of CSS techniques used to create them. The article features a gallery of different image captions, each using a different CSS technique. This allows you to mix and match your favorite animations to create a completely unique interface.

All of the codes featured in the article have been tested in modern browsers and support all of the major CSS prefixes. However, one potential issue some users may have is that the script does not follow the traditional figure/figcaption HTML structure. Instead, the caption content is held inside a span within a container div. While this still works perfectly fine, it doesn’t adhere to the exact markup standards.

hongkiat image captions preview demo tutorial with css3

Slide-In Image Captions

CSS-Tricks is a well-known resource in the web design community, and their tutorial on creating sliding image captions is no exception. The tutorial has been extensively tested in various browsers and works flawlessly, impressing users with its stunning effects and adherence to standard HTML syntax.

One of the standout features of the CSS-Tricks tutorial is its use of the figure and figcaption elements, which are not just included for good measure. These elements help the browser differentiate between the various page elements and provide a more structured, semantic markup that improves accessibility and SEO.

css3 image captions sliding effect css-tricks preview

jQuery Image Captions

jQuery offers widespread browser support for consistent image caption display. While CSS may be easier for some developers, jQuery is a valuable tool for enhancing the frontend experience and creating dynamic, interactive websites.


Caption.js is an excellent library that stands out as a valuable resource for web developers looking to create image captions. One of the standout features of this library is its ability to target images based on your own jQuery selectors, including classes and IDs. Additionally, it automatically includes the figure and figcaption elements, ensuring that the final page render is displayed properly with the help of some CSS positioning.

This level of automation can save developers time and effort, allowing them to focus on other aspects of their project while still creating stunning image captions. Overall, Caption.js is a powerful resource that can help take your image captions to the next level and enhance the overall user experience on your website or application.

caption jquery plugin open source homepage website layout


jQuery.imageCaption is a highly customizable plugin that extracts captions from image alt text and renders the figure and figcaption elements for SEO benefits.

Simply calling the imageCaption() function is all that’s needed to apply it to a CMS post or WordPress blog. The plugin transfers any classes added to the img element to the figure element for greater CSS control.


If you’re looking for an underrated open-source project for image captions, Captionate is definitely worth checking out. Developed by North Krimsly for use in various CMS engines, it offers a straightforward solution for implementing image captions on your website.

You can find a tutorial guide that explains the process of implementing Captionate on your own website. Essentially, you’ll write an HTML5 img element with the class .caption, which will be picked up by the jQuery script. The alt attribute text is then transferred into a figcaption element and written into the HTML.

captionate js jquery plugin image captions homepage


HCaptions is a versatile jQuery plugin that can handle all caption content, not just images. Developed specifically for rendering caption content into HTML, it offers a broad spectrum of applications for web developers.

With HCaptions, you have a range of options for controlling the speed and positioning of each caption, giving you greater flexibility and control over your webpage elements. While there may be better solutions for managing HTML images specifically, the HCaptions plugin serves a terrific purpose for captioning other standard webpage elements.

hcaptions jquery hover plugin captions open source

You may be surprised at how resourceful these image caption scripts can be. Not only do they enhance the visual appeal of your website or application, but when used with valid HTML5 code, they also provide an opportunity for Google to crawl your pages and index related content.

With the right tools and techniques, you can create stunning image captions that enhance the user experience and improve the overall functionality of your website or application.

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8 Free Floating Form Label jQuery & JavaScript Plugins Fri, 05 Jun 2020 23:45:49 +0000 We've collected our top picks for the best floating label JavaScript plugins. All free, all open source, and all easy to install and use for web design.

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You can add some pretty awesome features into your web forms. Everything from custom icons to validation features are possible with just a few plugins.

One of the newest features I’ve seen is the floating label animation. This happens when a user clicks inside an input field, and the placeholder (or label, or both!) floats above the field. The user can enter their text without the label getting in the way.

If you want to add this to your forms then you’ve come to the right place. I’ve listed my top 9 picks for the best floating label plugins all free, all open sourced, and all made for web designers.

1. floatingLabel.js

floatinglabel.js script

First is a classic JS plugin called floatingLabel.js. This was built to be as small as possible with its current size weighing about 1KB.

It’s an excellent little plugin because it works on placeholder text by default. So your placeholder will automatically convert into a floating label above the field once the user enters some text.

Not to mention you can attach this to text inputs or textareas, or both if you’ve got them. The plugin runs with just a single function call, so it’s really easy to setup and the default style is beautiful.

2. jQuery Floating Labels

jquery floating

Here’s a slightly different version of the previous plugin but with a very similar look. jQuery Floating Labels offers the same functionality powered by jQuery and meant to work with jQuery developers.

Note this one is a bit larger, and the JS/CSS files measure a bit more in size. Not to mention this requires the jQuery library as a dependency. But you can set this up with a lot of custom options.

Have a look at the demo page for documentation and you can grab a copy from GitHub if you wanna give it a try.

3. Floatlabel

floatlabel script

It really doesn’t get much simpler than the Floatlabel script by Robert Douglas. This also runs on jQuery but it doesn’t have any fancy animations or flashy effects.

Instead this is just a basic form input plugin to handle the shift between placeholder text and input labels. All-in-all it’s a pretty simple plugin but also one of the best I’ve found if you just want a clean solution.

The demo is admittedly pretty darn basic. However if you feel lost you can find all the docs and further details on the main GitHub repo.

4. FloatLabel.js

floatlabel.js script

The FloatLabel.js plugin is one of the largest in this list. It requires quite a few scripts along with a stylesheet and the Normalize library.

However I think the demo page speaks for itself with a super clean form and a rather unique style for the input fields.

You’ll notice that most other plugins relocate the labels into areas just above the input fields. But with FloatLabel.js the label moves up inside the form. Pretty unique and it’s got one of the best designs out there.

5. Floating Form Labels

floating form labels

Here’s a pretty simple plugin with a pretty simple name. Floating Form Labels is yet another jQuery-powered script and it follows a style like many other plugins in this list.

However it’s got a unique codebase with an extremely simple setup. You basically just call the function on your input fields and let it work. Set it & forget it.

Have a look at the sample CodePen demo to see what I’m talking about.

You may not like the actual style of the labels, but you can change this yourself pretty quickly. The most significant benefit to this floating label plugin is the simplicity of setup and the one-line JavaScript to get it running.

6. Float-labels.js

float-labels.js script

After a long line of jQuery plugins I’m thrilled to throw in Float-labels.js created by Gemini Labs.

This non-jQuery plugin runs on pure JavaScript with zero dependencies. No CSS or JS libraries required. Just one script file and a bit of setup code.

Best of all this plugin comes with three different styles for your labels. Three! And these basically define where the label appears once it floats:

  • Above the input field
  • Sitting on the border of the field
  • Floating inside the field above the user’s text

Have a look at the GitHub repo for download links and more documentation.

If you’re going for a clean vanilla JS solution this is by far the best choice you’ll find.

7. jQuery Label Overlay

Here’s yet another plugin that doesn’t come with a live demo, but really deserves some attention from developers.

jQuery Label Overlay does exactly as the name suggests. It’ll automatically show/hide labels as they appear over forms once they’re filled out.

This does rely on jQuery, and it’s a relatively older plugin to boot. I only recommend this because it’s so clean and easy to setup, but it’s unlikely to ever get further updates.

8. Bootstrap Float Label

bootstrap float labels script

I could never forget all the Bootstrap lovers out there who want a floating label that works with their layouts. And using this snippet you can add floating labels into your BS input fields with pure CSS.

Only problem is this was built for Bootstrap 3 and hasn’t been fully updated for BS4. Although in my testing it does seem to work OK. But who’s to say if the BS4 library will change once it’s out of beta.

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10 jQuery Plugins for Creating Dynamic Web Layouts Fri, 15 May 2020 07:43:15 +0000 These jQuery plugins will help build responsive and dynamic layouts, masonry grids, parallax scrolling, or make webpage presentations.

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Over the last couple of years, with the advancements in web technologies, we have seen a rapid rise in the number of sites that have broken away from using typical and boring layouts. No longer is choosing the number of columns your only option.

Nowadays, you can easily have a responsive and dynamic layout that cleverly and seamlessly arranges content into a grid (masonry), or a parallax scrolling design, or even a layout that allows you to define a custom path for users as they scroll through pages.

At first glance, building a site with fancy animation effects may seem tricky. But that is not the case, as you will discover from the collection of jQuery plugins we have for you below. So, break off those shackles, and with the help of these plugins, go and have fun and build a truly dynamic layout for your next project.

jQuery Scroll Path

jQuery Scroll Path define custom scroll path

jQuery Scroll Path is a plugin that, as its name states, lets you define your own custom scroll path. The plugin uses canvas for drawing paths, using the methods moveTo, lineTo, and arc. To help with getting the path right, a canvas overlay with the path can be enabled when initializing the plugin.

Scrolling with Scroll Path can be done with either the mouse wheel, up & down arrow keys, or the spacebar. It also allows for full page rotation using CSS transforms.


SuperScrollorama popular plugin creating scrolling animated presentations

Powered by TweenMax and the Greensock Tweening Engine, SuperScrollorama is a popular plugin for creating scrolling and animated presentations.

jQuery PageSlide

PageSlide jQuery plugin slides webpage over reveal additional interaction pane

PageSlide is a jQuery plugin that slides a webpage over to reveal an additional interaction pane, that usually contains secondary navigation, a form, or any additional information.

Stellar.js – Parallax Scrolling

Stellar.js easy use plugin provides parallax scrolling effects scrolling element

Stellar.js is a very easy-to-use plugin that provides parallax scrolling effects to any scrolling element.

scrolldeck.js – Scrolling Presentations

scrolldeck.js jquery plugin making scrolling presentation decks

Powered by Scrollorama (above), scrolldeck.js is a plugin for making scrolling presentation decks.


Packery layouts intelligently ordered organically wild dynamic Layout jQuery Plugins

Packery is a JavaScript layout library that uses a bin-packing algorithm. In other words, it fills all empty gaps. Packery layouts can be intelligently ordered or organically wild. Elements can be stamped in place, fit in an ideal spot, or dragged around.

Shapeshift v2.0

Shapeshift plugin dynamically arrange collection of elements column grid system similar Pinterest

Inspired by the jQuery Masonry plugin, Shapeshift is a plugin that will dynamically arrange a collection of elements into a column grid system similar to Pinterest. It has the ability to drag and drop items within the grid while still maintaining a logical index position for each item.

gridster.js – Draggable Layouts

Gridster plugin allow build intuitive draggable layouts

Similar to Shapeshift (above), Gridster is a plugin that allows you to build intuitive draggable layouts from elements spanning multiple columns. You can also dynamically add and remove elements from the grid.

Stalactite – Pack Content

Stalactite plugin slowly lazily packs contents of an element jquery

Stalactite is a plugin that slowly and lazily packs the contents of an element. Unlike most packing libraries that try to do all the math and sorting up front, Stalactite takes a lazy approach and sorts each child element sequentially.

Freetile.js – Organize Content

Freetile plugin organizing your content efficient dynamic responsive manner

Freetile is a plugin for organizing your content in an efficient, dynamic, and responsive manner. It can be applied to any container element and will attempt to arrange it's children in a layout that makes optimal use of the current screen space by "packing" them in a tight arrangement.

jQuery Masonry

popular Masonry dynamic grid layout plugin arrange elements vertically

And, of course, we finally come to the plugin that has inspired many of the plugins on this page: jQuery Masonry. Developed by David DeSandro, the very popular Masonry is a dynamic grid layout plugin that will arrange elements vertically, positioning each element in the next open spot in the grid. The result minimizes vertical gaps between elements of varying height, just like a mason fitting stones in a wall.

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