8 React JavaScript Snippets That Enhance Everyday UI Elements


React is an open-source JavaScript library by Facebook that allows for building user interfaces. Its use has spread like wildfire. Not only will you see it when scrolling through the social network, but it’s also been integrated into popular software applications like WordPress.

The hallmark of React is its ability to create highly-interactive, data-driven UIs that are also incredibly quick. They appear natural and seamless to the end-user, picking up where AJAX left off.

Developers are putting these capabilities to good use. They’re routinely taking everyday elements like shopping carts, forms and multimedia and propelling them to another level.

Want to see the impact React can have on a UI? Here are some prime examples that demonstrate what this library is capable of.

Squeaky-Clean Product Layout

Designed by Dilum

eCommerce can really benefit from what React has to offer. Just take a look at this fictional shoe store. Instead of using traditional form elements, it offers a modern and colorful UI. The result is that shoppers can customize their orders in style.

See the Pen React Shopping Layout by Dilum

Not Your Average Checkboxes

Designed by myleneb

Here, React is used to bring enhanced looks and a higher level of context to standard checkboxes. These elements stand out, while helping to guide users.

See the Pen ReactJS Checkbox component with custom CSS by myleneb

Git Your Profile Card

Designed by Simon Vrachliotis

We previously mentioned React’s ability to efficiently deal with data, and this is a perfect example. Type in your GitHub username and this snippet will quickly load in your profile. Likewise, this type of functionality could be used to vastly improve a website’s search feature.

See the Pen ReactJS:GitHub User Cards by Simon Vrachliotis

Form Conditions

Designed by Sasha

User registration forms can be a pain. How can you ensure that users are following the security guidelines you’ve set? This form is designed to help make those expectations crystal-clear. As guidelines are met, they are immediately crossed off the list displayed below the form.

See the Pen UI + React by Sasha

Easy Date Range

Designed by Rob Vermeer

Online calendars and date pickers tend to be a bit tedious. They’re often bogged down by a clumsy UI that makes it harder for users to interact with them. This date range picker, however, is a breath of fresh air. Click the first date within your desired range, then click the last. It’s that simple.

See the Pen React date range picker by Rob Vermeer

Goal Progress Charts

Designed by Kelly H

Visualizing data is one of the true strengths of React. To demonstrate, check out this incredibly slick savings goal progress chart snippet. It provides a clear visual representation of how close you are to your target. Not only that, it’s completely interactive. You can add to your total or even tweak the goals. The progress indicators automatically change along the way.

See the Pen Savings Goals – ReactJS by Kelly H

High-End Audio Player

Designed by Olga

This snippet goes above and beyond. Sure, it’s possible to throw a list of file links on your page. But why settle for that when you can go all-out with a gorgeous React audio player? Its intuitive UI is the perfect way to get your visitors to tune in.

See the Pen Music player ReactJS by Olga

Interactive Service Price List

Designed by Olga

Here’s a great way to simplify an interface. This service listing allows users to add/remove items with a click and watch their total update immediately. The experience just seems so natural.

See the Pen React Price List by Olga

Adding Speed and Interactivity with React

The common thread among these snippets is how they take everyday web UIs and turn them into something better. Even if the visual elements were already in place, React makes the experience more pleasant for users.

The result is a snappy interface that just works. And by increasing the intuitiveness of an element, you might also increase conversions. That’s a pretty powerful thing.

If you’d like to see more examples of React in action, check out our CodePen collection.

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