You may have noticed some stunning examples of animated logos on websites such as Fubiz and CSS-Tricks. Traditionally, animated logos were mainly used in videos, but now we’re seeing them being used beautifully and subtly on websites as well.
Animated logos, whether created using CSS & SVG, After Effects, or as an animated GIF, have the power to draw attention to your brand and make it highly memorable.
While not yet widely used, we’ve compiled a small collection of subtly animated logos that we hope will inspire you to create your own. By adding a touch of animation to your logo design, you can make it stand out and create a lasting impression on your audience.
So, if you’re looking to add some extra flair to your brand, consider experimenting with subtle animations in your logo design. With the right approach and execution, it can take your brand to a whole new level. Of course, we’ll start with the fantastic Fubiz logo first.
Fubiz Logo Animations
Designed by Mattrunks
Flight Animated Logo
Designed by DIA
Twitch Logo Animation
Designed by Matt Gravish Logo Animation
Designed by Rogie King
Macaw Logo Build v2
Designed by Joe Ski
Echo Animated Logo
Designed by Trüf
Untime Blog Logo Animation
Designed by Tony Pinkevich
Calibre Club Logo Animation
Designed by Seth Eckert
University of the Arts Helsinki Logo
Designed by Bond
Momentum Dynamic Logo Design
Designed by Alex Tass
Yondr Studio Logo
Designed by Alex Tass
Shazam Logo Concept
Designed by Oleg Turbaba
Sweet Crude Logo Animated
Designed by Oleg Turbaba
Hay Market Animated Logo
Designed by Foreign Policy
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